Audio porn

The Online Safety Act means UK users may no longer access the audio (click the link for more info). Anyone browsing from a non-UK IP address should still be able to play it as usual. 

A selection of the hottest stories on the site, now available as audio porn, plus amazing stories (both fiction and non-fiction) from a selection of incredible guest writers. Click below to listen to sexy stories read aloud, or search the site by topic to find posts that match your kinks. New audio porn stories are usually published on Thursdays or Saturdays.

We’re free-to-access, funded by you!

If you’d like to hear more, support the audio project on Patreon for just £2/$2 per month or £22/$22 per year to get early access to new stories, bonus content, and ad-free listening.

Recently recorded

  • Free use secretary 5: A quick and dirty facefuck

  • Quick. Quiet. Quell: an impulsive lesbian fuck

  • Splash: the hot hotel sex that came after…

  • Wet fucking – the kind you need special sheets for

  • Horny Valentine’s Day ideas (porn with a point)

  • Guest blog: No hoes barred – total power exchange

  • Restrain me with door cuffs and make me fucking beg for it

  • Sleeping and waking: Woken with a blow job

  • More, please: Butt plug starter kits

  • Guest blog: Crying shame – degradation and humiliation

  • “Point your toes”: he fucked me like he owned me

1 2 3 47
  • Browse audio porn by author

  • Help make more audio porn!

    Turning some of the sexier stories into audio porn makes this site more accessible for people using screenreaders. It also hopefully brings a little joy to those of you who prefer aural stories to the written word. I would love to make more - in higher quality, and with more incredible guest readers like the ones who have already joined in with the project.

    If you'd like to help us make lots more audio porn, please come and support the project on Patreon where you will also get early access to new audio and the chance to request your favourite stories as new audio porn updates.

    Cartoon image of Girl on the Net typing with Patreon logo in image
  • Audio porn FAQs

    How do you pick which posts to turn into audio porn?

    I go through the most popular filthy stories as measured by Google Analytics, then I give Patreon subscribers the option to choose which they'd like to hear next.

    Can I repost/republish your audio stories on my website?

    No! The copyright to these stories belongs to me, or to the guest writers. If you are interested in licensing audio porn to use on your own site or in other projects, get in touch to discuss and I'd be delighted to have a chat about whichever pieces you would like to use on your own channels. You are, however, more than welcome to link to this page or to use short clips (up to 30 seconds) on your own channels, as long as you give a clear credit (with link) to this page.

    Who created the sound logo for your audio porn?

    That awesome sound logo was created by Lucille Lyllou Chevalier – you can find their Soundcloud here and please do get in touch with them directly if you’d like to work on similar projects. I really loved working with Lyllou on getting something unique and memorable to brand the audio project, and their creativity, professionalism and skill made the whole thing an absolute joy! As audio on the site usually runs after adverts, I wanted something that would help to separate out the audio from the ads, and be a recognisable way for listeners to identify audio produced for this site, by me and the other awesome creators who feature on these pages. If you’d like to find out more about it, come read more in this Patreon post (and join the team if you’d like to!).

    Is that really you reading the stories?

    Yes - usually if it's one of my own stories, it'll be my voice you hear. Although thanks to the fabulous guest writers and readers, there is now a much wider cast on the site! If you click through to the posts attached to the audio, you will see the full text of each piece along with credits/links to the original writers and readers. Check out the 'recently recorded' list to see the newest stories, visit the guest audio category to see the latest pieces by other amazing writers and please share the ones you enjoy! This site - and all of the audio on it - is totally free to access, supported by Patreon, advertising, and a little bit of affiliate money from sex toy sales. Not everyone can afford to support this project financially, and that's OK! If you'd like us to keep making more audio porn you can still help out by sharing links to our work, and giving us compliments in the comments about the pieces you love most. We writers are suckers for compliments.

    When do new audio porn posts go up?

    New audio goes up roughly twice a week - usually on a Thursday and Saturday. Patreon supporters get early access to the new recordings (as well as other stories/updates from behind the scenes), and then when they've had the chance to listen it goes live on the site here. They also get the opportunity to make suggestions for new stories, so if you'd like to help shape what this project looks like in future, do come and join us over there!

    Why are you talking about Patreon so much?

    I'd been wanting to launch the audio porn hub for a really long time, but I kept getting waylaid with contract work, without which I can't pay my bills or buy shoes and food etcetera. I wanted to be able to buy slightly better audio equipment and dedicate solid time every month to doing this well, but because contract work got in the way it kept slipping down my to-do list.

    Asking people to contribute to a Patreon seemed like a good way to get people involved with the project, and also (hopefully!) a sustainable way for me to fund the time it takes to create new posts. In the future, it should hopefully give me enough money that I can pay other people to record audio porn stories too.

    Supporting me on Patreon doesn't have to be an altruistic decision either - you get cool stuff in exchange. Personally I think the most useful reward is the ability to remove all on-site ads, including the ones on the audio. Just log in to Patreon, click the button at the top of this page that says remove ads and enjoy your audio free from any sales pitch. If you still need persuading, Patreons get other cool stuff too, from occasional zoom hangouts where I read them unpublished posts and they chuck in ideas for erotic fiction and we generally have a laugh and a lovely time. You can also get GOTN badges, stickers, a card at Christmas, and help make decisions on which posts will get turned into audio porn next. Oh! And if you support at the higher tiers you get serialised audio of my first book, the chance to request custom stories, and more. So if you've ever harboured a desire to hear me talking/writing about a particular thing, supporting this project means I can make your dreams come true.

    But whether you support me on Patreon or not, know that I'm committed to getting as many sexy stories as possible turned into audio porn, and published here for free so that everyone can enjoy them. If you do enjoy them, please do share links to this page, and help me make more filth to unleash on the world.