I thought there were none. I thought there were no bed-located tricks that were universal. I assumed that all humans, due to our unique-like-snowflake sexual preferences and genital configuration and kinks and quirks and loves: I thought there would be no universal Trick To Blow Their Mind In Bed.
But if there were one, and I’m not necessarily saying there is, then it might be this:
GOTN enters the room having brushed her teeth, and done all the pre-sleep rituals she’ll usually do before settling down for the night.
BLOKE is lying in the bed, snuggled comfily under the duvet.
GOTN: Why are you on my side of the bed?
BLOKE: Oh, sorry.
BLOKE moves to other side of the bed.
GOTN: Do you want to sleep on my side?
BLOKE: No, no. I just forgot.
GOTN: I’m intrigued by this. Did you… did you just forget that was my side?
BLOKE: No. I just forgot to move over.
BLOKE: Well, when I get in the bed first, and you go to brush your teeth and whatnot, I lie on your side. Then when I hear you coming I move over to mine.
GOTN: Why?
BLOKE: To warm up yours, so when you get in it’s not freezing.
GOTN: Do you do this every night?
BLOKE: Only in winter.
Consider my mind well and truly blown.
That is the sweetest fucking thing I’ve ever heard.
I do that too! How sweet that I’m not the only one.
Awww, that’s ace!
That’s truly lovely. xo
Wow. That really will blow anyone’s mind. ^_^
I don’t know why I’m being reminded of that dialogue from Frozen, “Some people are worth melting for.”
Awwwwww. That is so sweet. *gets all teary and choked up*
Ha ha. Lovely. Peter says he’s going to do that for me in future. Yehay!
Aw come on! You are mind blown by THIS? I can’t believe it?
Seems to me it is just common curtesy, and any guy who DIDN’t do this does not deserve a second night.
I adopted this approach to ensure that I would be deemed worthy of a second night, OVER 60 years ago! It obviously works so well that I’ve been do it ever since.
Can’t believe that there any clods out there that are too inconsiderate NOT to make this effort to ensure a good, WARM fuck.
Hahahaha. Oh my. You read a cute blog post about someone doing a nice thing, and your first thought was to berate everyone (or just every guy?) in the human race who doesn’t do that thing? You clearly are a charmer.
My husband does this – it’s so sweet!
My partner does that too, only discovered by taking a flying leap and landing on top of him in a pitch black room. The bruises didn’t deter him from doing it again though :)
I always do this for my wife. I also go one extra and put a hot water bottle where her feet will be because her feet are like ice blocks!
Thanks gang =) I’m chuffed that you like this one – always a bit unsure how well the cuteness will go down compared to the outright filth! xxx
Guess I’m a dick then hadn’t ever thought of this. Open doors, let lady out if elevator first, buy roses at random times for no reason, but never thought of this. Doh!
You’re not a dick if you don’t do all the nice things in the world. There’d have been no point in writing this if everyone did it. It also doesn’t have to be a gendered thing.
I smiled at this ! Before we had super duper heating I used to do it, and it was really appreciated. I find cold hands a real turn-on – so always welcomed warming them on my cock. But I think it is a *bit* gendered – men tend to heat up before sleep, whereas women cool down – so in the morning women are hot whereas men are cooler. That’s why we like to cuddle up first thing – to get warm. Honest.
Mr Sky does this for me every night <3 (and lets me put my cold feet on him to warm them up, which is a bit freaky of him really!)
So sweet and thoughtful. And he clearly wasn’t doing this for the praise since you didn’t even know! Bonus points for that :-)
And the illustration is fantastic.
My husband does this and I love him all the more for it
Isn’t this normal? I do it all the time!
Yep, I feel like a shit hubby now….but will make sure I do this all the time now :-0
*tears prickling depressive lonely eyeballs*
Aw, this made me cry :-) Thanks!
My manshape does this too. A rather commendable quality!
I wish I had a bed warmer :( lucky GOTN
This is really an awesome trick!
When I was first married, 20-odd years ago, I used to do this all the time. Now I get a stern look if I accidentally stray on to the ‘wrong’ side of the bed.
I do this, but its because I like cold beds. So I use up the cold on her side and then enjoy mine.
So yeah.
I do that for my GF when it’s cold. She doesn’t know and on the couple of times she has caught me she just tells me to fuck iff back to my own side.
Does it count that I turn on her side of the electric blanket before we go to bed?
I do this too, although I’ve just realised no one’s ever done it for me.
I don’t understand why this post about a genuinely sweet thing to do has such derogatory comments. Do y’all really have to shame others for not thinking of this to make yourselves feel better?
I, for one, would not have thought of this myself and it’s so sweet that my heart would be overflowing if someone did this for me 🥰