All Posts – Page 105

Fucking: A poem about how much I love fucking
Sometimes I sit down and try to write something good, but nothing good springs to mind so instead I write a 400 word poem about fucking. Enjoy! Or don’t! It’s entirely pointless and silly!

Guest blog: I sucked my own cock – here’s how
Have you ever wanted to suck your own cock? As a connoisseur of cocksucking, I am inevitably fascinated (and delighted) by stories of people who have managed to suck their own. So when @OxyFromSg (who writes erotica over at this blog) popped up in my DMs to say ‘hey! I’ve sucked my own cock. Fancy a guest blog?’, you can imagine how eagerly I leapt at the opportunity to read/publish something that explains not only how to suck your own dick, but what it actually feels like to achieve it. Take it away Oxy…

Guest blog: The virgin and the escort
I’m excited to welcome Ariadne this week, who is here to talk to you about discovering her sexual self with an escort. Since the age of 18, Ariadne had a condition called vaginismus, where the vaginal muscles contract in reaction to any kind of penetration. It is estimated that it affects 2 in every 1000 people, although it is still not commonly discussed. Ariadne’s post is about how her time with an escort helped her to discover sex she truly loved. Although not on Twitter, she is keen to help spread awareness around Vaginismus and would like to direct anyone who’d like to know more to The Vaginismus Network.

Reasons it is very cool and fun to date me
Just putting it out there: it is very cool and fun to date me. I promise. No, it’s not a total nightmare of reading posts about yourself and wondering whether you’ll get a good write-up, or listening to me bang on about butt plug brands until you’re entirely turned off butt plugs forever. It’s really cool and fun, and I am not in any way a total shambles.

Fuck me like you mean it: 42 different ways to say ‘fuck me’
“Don’t call me ‘good girl’ unless you plan on fucking the Mario coins out of me.” Ever since I saw that excellent, excellent tweet, I’ve been thinking about hot new ways to ask someone to fuck me. Seriously: ‘Fuck the Mario coins out of me’ has to be up there as one of the best fuckbegs I’ve ever heard. Gold. I cannot promise to do quite as well as that (who could?!), but with big thanks to those on Twitter who chipped in, I’m aiming for quantity in lieu of quality. Here are 42 different ways to ask someone to fuck you.