All Posts – Page 123

Fucked by a bachelor party: greedy for dick

One of my most common wank fantasies is getting fucked by a bachelor party. Technically it’s getting fucked by a stag party, because that’s what we call them here in the UK. But I am, as always, at the mercy of Google, so I’m going to use those two terms interchangeably in order to get search traffic. I hope you can forgive me, because after all I am sharing this delightful porn, in which the main character gets gleefully and riotously fucked by a bunch of drunk guys. Seeing as we’re all trying to remain indoors and avoid group gatherings, why not indulge in some of the group gatherings that exist inside our heads?


Guest blog: I like it, I lick it – why I love eating cunt

Probably the most well-covered topic on this blog is blow jobs. I write a lot about how much I enjoy sucking dick, and the different ways there are to revel in using one’s lips and tongue to get someone off. But there’s less here about the delights of cunnilingus (terrible word, let’s go with ‘eating out’ or ‘eating cunt’) because I don’t have as much experience of it. More importantly, I think in order to write something truly filthy, it is best if the writer genuinely adores doing the thing they’re writing about. That’s what makes this guest blog from Love & Lust in London @LoveLustLondon so sexy, I reckon. He has a genuine passion for eating cunt, and writes about it so beautifully that it has given me a new understanding of why this act brings so many people so much joy. Enjoy!


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Blogs I have not written about These Weird Times

There’s nothing good or useful that I can say right now. I’ve helped the people I love, and comforted the ones I can comfort, and bought just enough shopping to last a few weeks, but no more than we genuinely need. So now I sit and twiddle my thumbs and wonder how to mark this week on my blog: the start of these Fucking Weird Times.


It’s not weird to keep your ex’s nudes (on one condition)

If there’s one thing more fun that relationship drama on reddit, it’s having a Hot Take on relationship drama on reddit. I am obsessed with not just /r/relationship_advice but also /r/amitheasshole, not just because it’s fun to laugh at assholes but also because they sometimes throw up interesting ethical dilemmas to chew over. Today: is it weird to keep your ex’s nudes/knickers when you break up? Reddit says ‘yes’, I say ‘no’, but on one important condition…


Guest blog: Getting a vasectomy was a great life choice

This week’s guest blogger is doing sterling work filling a gap in the market on advice and info. As he was getting his own vasectomy, he realised that there were far fewer personal accounts of the vasectomy procedure than there were for other forms of birth control – like post explaining IUD implantation, or the side effects of the pill. You do get occasional posts from heroic people who are happy to share their own vasectomy stories, but they’re few and far between (that link is the only one off the top of my head I can think of, someone else linked me to this video on non-surgical vasectomy – share yours in the comments if you have one too!). Having been through the process himself, this week’s guest blogger Big Spoon wanted to share his own experience with you: what it was like getting a vasectomy, the recovery afterwards, and answers to questions that I know blog readers will have like ‘how long until you can wank?’ and ‘at what point after a vasectomy do you find out it’s safe to have unprotected sex?’ Take it away Big Spoon…
