All Posts – Page 127

Your dick between my butt cheeks

Yeah, this post is literally just going to be 500 words of appreciation for your dick between my butt cheeks. Someone found my blog recently via this search term and I was horrified – HORRIFIED – that I have not yet described, in detail, the glory of this sensation.


Valentine’s Day sex ideas: a horny pic n mix

You can keep your restaurants and posh jewellery, in my house we’re playing Valentine’s Day sex games. While I’d love to be super aloof and pretend it’s because traditional romance is beneath me, the fact is that my partner and I just really like playing sex games. If offered a romantic candlelit meal, we’d far rather use those candles for something more depraved. Depending on whether it arrives in time, I’m hoping my own Valentine’s Day will be spent getting acquainted with a brand new fuck machine. If it doesn’t arrive in time, no harm done. We’ll probably be doing one of the following things instead…


HPV vaccines work: this week’s awesome news

Good news, gang: thanks to HPV vaccines, there now exists a generation which will not have to worry as much about certain kinds of cancer.


When you introduce your partner to your friends

It may be easy to introduce your partner to your friends if you’re dating someone with infinite swagger. But my partner is often quite shy. When I introduce him to my friends, he’s nervous and unsure – will they like him? Will they see in him what I do? Will the start of the evening – all shuffled feet and polite chitchat and coughing and staring at phones – eventually meld into one big conversation, when he gets swallowed into the group until no one can remember that he only met them four hours ago?


Guest blog: One woman, three guys, and a DIY gloryhole

Regular readers will know that I am a big fan of kinky DIY – sometimes if you want something really specific and sexy, you have to roll up your sleeves and make something yourself. This week’s guest blogger – @OxyFromSg, who writes erotica with Phedre Sinclair at this blog right here – has an excellent story about exactly that. You’ve already heard some of his exploits in a previous guest blog – about ‘weird wanks‘ and controlling someone else’s dick. Today he’s here to tell you about a gloryhole fantasy that was fulfilled by some good friends and a generous helping of elbow grease…
