All Posts – Page 137

Guest blog: Sex with anxiety

As someone who’s struggled a lot with anxiety in the past, I really appreciate hearing other people’s perspectives on it: how it affects them, how they manage it, and any other insights into it that make me (and hopefully others who struggle with it) feel a little bit less alone. So I’m delighted to welcome Kim to the blog today, who’s here to talk about sex with anxiety: the ways in which it can creep into your head when you’re trying to enjoy yourself, and how it doesn’t necessarily always have to win.


OK FINE I’ll review the AMO bullet vibe

I hate doing this, but needs must: I’m going to review the AMO bullet vibe. I hate doing it for a few reasons, not least because I think I’m terrible at reviewing sex toys, and I work with Hot Octopuss so you’re not going to believe a word I say about the AMO bullet vibe, but for what it’s worth here goes: this is a very very good vibrator.


Everything’s shit: register to vote

Have you noticed how utterly shit things have been lately? You should register to vote! It’s bleak and miserable and oh God I wish it wasn’t, but the fact is that this is the best chance we’ve got to make things a little less shit. And although the majority of you reading this probably aren’t eligible to vote in the UK election, there may well be a few people reading this who are eligible yet not registered, and could probably do with a nudge. Consider this your nudge: register to vote!


Audio erotica: Which stories are the most popular?

I’ve been having a very busy – and exciting – few weeks, with lots of people wanting interviews to chat about audio porn. Including a super-fun behind-the-scenes interview for Vice, a fab round-up of top audio sites in Forbes, and even the New York Fucking Times holy shit OMG! I am genuinely over the moon about this, and I can barely contain my delight. What started as a small project designed to make my site more accessible to/enjoyable for people using screenreaders has now become the most visited section of the site. As I don’t have a guest blog lined up for today, I thought it’d be nice to welcome new readers/listeners with an overview of the most popular audio erotica, as well as some highlights of excellent guest audio too.


Cum tributes: Please please please wank to my porn

Let me make myself crystal clear: I write porn so you can wank to it. I don’t expect all of you to do that, of course, but I know that some of you will, and that knowledge makes me ridiculously happy. I would be even happier if you chose to print some out and spaff all over it. Let’s talk about cum tributes…
