All Posts – Page 142

Sniffing underwear: Teen angst and the smell of his Calvins

I never used to fantasise about sniffing underwear. Even during my horniest moments, when I was in the early stages of learning what turned me on, and discovering the answer was ‘everything’, it never occurred to me to try and get hold of a guy’s underwear and hold it over my face, breathing in the heady scent of his cock. Until one day, a boy I was in love with came to visit, and left his underwear behind when he departed…


First time rimming: he wants to worship her ass

This week’s blog is a bit of a special one, because it came out of a request from a lovely Patreon, who asked me if I could write something about rimming. As it was a custom story, I wouldn’t usually publish it here, but they kindly gave me permission to share it with you. This means I get to share a story that was super-fun to write, as well as a bit of a challenge. I don’t usually write much about rimming because I don’t have a lot of personal experience of it, so I decided to write about first time rimming and the hotness of working your way into the headspace of someone else’s kink. It also means I get to not-so-subtly hint that you should totally support me on Patreon if you like my work and can afford to chip in a bit to keep me going. It’s here in audio as well as text, because I really like saying ‘worship her ass’ out loud.


Guest blog: Why I wrote an erotic story about hysterectomy

This week’s amazing guest blog is by Stella Fosse – erotica writer, author of Aphrodite’s Pen: The Power of Writing Erotica after Midlife, and a late bloomer whose erotic life blossomed in her late 50s. She’s here to challenge some of the tedious judgments made about older women and sex, and when I first read her guest blog – about what caused her to write an erotic story about hysterectomy – it made me want to dance and shout stuff from the rooftops. Read her blog below, and follow her on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram


A letter to… the childfree woman who misses her friends

This weekend, the Guardian published ‘A letter to my friends with children’ from a childfree woman who is sad that she sees less of the women she loves when they have children. “Each time one of my female friends has a baby, our friendship changes,” she explained, and a few parents I followed on Twitter understandably rolled their eyes and got a bit annoyed.


Jealousy fuck: I’m angry because you’re mine

This story is an addition to the ‘emotional fucks‘ series: jealousy fuck. With many thanks to the reader who suggested adding something like this to the pile! 
