All Posts – Page 143

Guest blog: Open relationships are more boring than you think

I’m really excited to introduce you to this week’s fantastic guest blogger. Molly Quell is a writer who is in an open relationship, and when telling people her relationship status she’s often confronted with some fairly inaccurate assumptions. She’s here to debunk some, and explain what her love life really looks like…


No, I’m sorry. You can’t break up with me.

A random selection of ridiculous reasons why boys aren’t allowed to break up with me. FYI.


He can’t come and I don’t care

He can’t come. Not now. It’s three in the morning and we’re both exhausted. He can’t come. But I sit on his cock anyway.


Guest blog: Impact play, the one to beat

Please welcome this week’s guest blogger, the awesome Jenby aka @JenetalTorture, who is here to talk to you about impact play. Sexy, funny, compelling and brilliant, I couldn’t stop myself grinning from ear to ear as I read this post. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did…


“Keep being naughty and I’ll withdraw the whip.”

“Listen here, young lady. It’s all well and good being a naughty slut because you want me to beat your naked bottom, but if you keep up with this disobedience I’ll do the one thing you really don’t want: I shall withdraw the whip.”

Please forgive me for what I’m about to do, but if UK politics insists on repeatedly using the phrase ‘withdraw the whip‘, then I’m afraid this sort of shit is inevitable. 
