All Posts – Page 156

Power, lust and agency: Is Fleabag’s priest abusive?
If you’ve been following developments, a couple of weeks ago I wrote about Fleabag’s priest and the art of longing. I wallowed a little in the horny joy of seeing two people who really want each other try desperately not to want each other. Today I’m screeching into a whole new lane, thanks to some discussion that’s come up on my Twitter feed: let’s talk about whether the priest is abusive.
The following post contains spoilers for Fleabag, so if you want to watch it check it out on BBC iPlayer before you read on.

“I’m jealous and insecure. Can you help me?”
“Who’s this?” I ask him, hand shaking as I hold the phone, complete with text that I definitely wish I hadn’t read. It’s the first time in my life that I realise I’m jealous. Until then I had never expected to be. He shakes his head in reply, mumbles, and tells me that he fucked her.

Guest blog: How do you fuck in a fifth wheel?
Thanks to a previous guest blogger, we’ve already been introduced to the unique hotness and challenge of fucking on a narrowboat. This week’s guest blogger – @pervy_thoughts – would like to introduce you to a new sex challenge: fucking in a fifth wheel. What is a fifth wheel? I’ll let him explain…

Things that don’t happen in porn that happen in real life
After he’s come, he likes to stay inside me. Chatting and whispering and feeling the post-fuck squeezes of my cunt when I giggle. I used to think this was rom-com bullshit – too cheesy and cute for me to bear. But fuck it, it makes him happy, so it’s crept into my repertoire – this post-fuck clinch with him inside me and me enveloping his cock. It’s one of a number of things that don’t tend to happen in porn.

ElectraStim AXIS – I want to feel the music inside me
Not something I ever thought I’d experience, to be honest, but courtesy of the incredible ElectraStim AXIS… here’s a blog post about feeling music throbbing inside my ass.