All Posts – Page 159

My vagina smells great: an ode to genital odour
How good do your genitals smell right now? Go on: if you’re in a place where it’s OK to do so, have a quick scratch and sniff. Really breathe it in. I bet a not insignificant number of you are delighted by the results. I’m certainly one of them: my vagina smells great at the moment.

I want to show him off: baby steps into group sex
Maybe the feeling I need to tap into, if my partner and I are going to explore sexual adventures with other people, isn’t a sense of peaceful acceptance of the thought of him fucking someone else: it’s the kinkiness of it. Sometimes I want to show him off, and maybe this is the key to dampening my jealousy…

Guest blog: Sex with Ana – how anorexia nervosa affected my sex life
This week is eating disorders awareness week, aimed at highlighting the ways in which eating disorders can affect people’s lives, and raising funds for those who are affected by them. Be aware before you read on that this week’s guest blogger, Tempe, is here to talk about her personal experience with anorexia nervosa – explaining how the eating disorder affected her sex life. I’m really grateful to her for sharing her story here, and hopefully encouraging those who are struggling with similar issues to get support and help in tackling them.

Guest blog: I experienced Genetic Sexual Attraction
This week’s guest blogger is May More – @may_more on Twitter. She’s here to talk about a topic I had never heard of before I spoke to her. In my opinion, one of the best things about blogging is being able to share some of our most private thoughts, and in doing so help other people realise that some of the frightening or isolating experiences in their lives aren’t unique. In short: you’re not alone, and there may be others who are going through similar things. In today’s post May explains GSA (Genetic Sexual Attraction), and the shock of discovering that she was falling for her half-brother.

GOTN’s 2019 Eroticon meet and greet
It’s that time of year again! Just over two weeks to go until Eroticon, the UK conference for sex writers, bloggers, and other erotic creative types. If you’re in or near London on 16th/17th March, and you want to join us for fun workshops and talks on all things sex and writing (and some awesome demos of kink equipment and sex toys from the sponsors) buy a ticket and start planning which of the awesome talks you want to come to!