All Posts – Page 160

Pity fuck: She begged for it
When I started writing the emotional fucks series, I posted a revenge fuck story from the perspective of Judy – a woman who had been deeply wronged by a past lover, and sought revenge on him later in life. I liked her, and I really enjoyed writing that story. But – dark secret – I enjoyed writing this pity fuck even more. It was fun to try and write a character so horrible that someone he’d fucked at the age of 20 would bear such a grudge that she’d leap at the opportunity for revenge even 40 years down the line.
Please take that as your content warning for this piece: everything in it is consensual, but that doesn’t mean it’s nice.

Sexy link roundup: loss, lust and a straight-curious romcom
Good fortune, love, happiness and success to each and every sex blogger who remembers to write regular posts giving shoutouts to their sex blogging colleagues. You are heroes, all, and I am sorry I haven’t been as good as I’d like to be lately at joining in. But here I am to share some awesome things I have found over the last few weeks – please do check them out and follow the people involved if you like what they’re creating! Today I want to tell you about a straight-curious romcom,

Guest blog: Sex after sixty
This week’s guest blogger is – I think – possibly the most regular guest contributor on the site to date! He’s written a couple of amazing posts in the past on why he became a nudist, his pregnancy journey with his ex wife, and the language we use to discuss sex. Please welcome back @pervy_thoughts, who is here to talk about sex after sixty…

I wanna fuck the band
It’s the way his forearm looks when he strums the guitar – highlighted beautifully with tattoos and framed by a tight t-shirt. Or perhaps it’s the thump of the bassline in my crotch or the scent of sweaty people throwing down in the mosh pit. Maybe it’s the fact that for the first time in what feels like a lifetime I am dancing like I don’t care how to dance. Either way I know that when the music starts to play, I’ll be thinking that I wanna fuck the band.

Next time we fuck, make it count
Next time we fuck, make it brutal. Make it vigorous and deep and angry and quick. Make it far too quick for it to only happen once. Make it worth all this time that I’ve waited: make it count.