All Posts – Page 161

Caught fucking on CCTV: time for these pieces to die
Are you one of those people who comments ‘why is this news?’ under every article you don’t like on the internet? Many find you irritating, but I am here to give you a task for which the world will – eventually – thank you. I’d like you to bring your rage, your keyboards, and your frustration to a specific type of article: exposés of people who get caught fucking on CCTV.

Grief fuck: We had fun, the three of us
This post is part of a series of emotional fucks – I asked people on Twitter to give me different atmospheres/types of fuck and then used each as the basis for some erotic fiction. I’ve done revenge fuck, spite fuck and principle fuck, this one’s about a grief fuck. Two people try to conjure the fun they had with a friend before he died.

Guest blog: How our sex life changed when we became parents
This week’s guest blogger is a return visitor – he came by in 2015 to write about having sex to conceive, then popped back a few months later to give a lovely update. Now that they’ve got a toddler to look after, how has their sex life changed? What are the challenges of parenthood when it comes to intimacy? Please welcome back this guest blogger as he talks about shagging as parents…

If you’re reading this anywhere except, it’s stolen
A bunch of scraper sites are automatically reposting blog posts from my site. Not just my own work, but that of guest bloggers and Stuart who draws the fantastic images that go with them. I am devastated by this, and doubly devastated by the fact that I can’t seem to get it taken down, despite repeated emails and reports to their domain provider, hosting provider, and others. So please do me a favour: if you are reading this blog post anywhere other than on Girl on the Net – the url is – please leave the site and come read it here instead.

VR porn sex games: 3 hot things to do in virtual reality
My boyfriend bought the VR pack for his Playstation. Thanks, in part, to this fantastic guest blog about VR porn that went up just before Christmas. Naturally, while he was immersed in testing out all the cool VR video games, I busied myself making a list of some of the VR porn sex games we could play.