All Posts – Page 172

Guest blog: My first experience with sex toys for couples
I love a good ‘first’ – first kisses, first shags, first time-I-felt-in-loves, and all the other glorious moments of discovery when we find a new thing that makes our pulses race. This week, Miss Doll Reviews is here to talk about sex toys for couples – including the first time she tried out sex toys with her partner. If you’d like to read more of her sex toy reviews, visit her website at that previous link, and follow her on Twitter and Instagram. Meanwhile, enjoy her guest blog, and feel free to share your sexy toy ‘firsts’ in the comments below – it’s always nice to take a trip down memory lane and enjoy that ‘first-time’ feeling…

What I hear from the Republican Party on Kavanaugh
It’s important that you know: he didn’t do it. He has never done it. Would never do it. Kavanaugh is a good person.
Note: this post discusses the very credible sexual assault allegations against Brett Kavanaugh, via quotes and ideas put forward by Republicans. Some of the comments and links are disturbing.

Guest blog: Talking about sex
This week’s guest blog, by Paulita from the Ersties Podcast, is all about my favourite topic: sex chat. And specifically, the ways in which talking about sex can help us learn more about ourselves and each other. Check out her brilliant post below, listen to the cast, and follow @TheErstiesPodcast on Twitter!

A sext from the bedroom
My favourite time to fuck is after I’ve emerged from the bath. I step out, dry off, cover my body in lotion or talc, and lie on the bed listening to the tail end of whichever podcast I put on to keep me company while I washed. When it’s nearly finished, I sext…

Sexy link roundup: risky sex, hormones, sex blogging and more
Instead of spending the first paragraph of SoSS beating myself up for not doing it for a while, I’m just going to get stuck in, and include a couple of extra links to make up for it. Check out the sexy link roundup below, and please share the ones you enjoy!