All Posts – Page 177
Cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt cunt
American comedian Samantha Bee is in ridiculously hot water this week, after calling Ivanka Trump a ‘feckless cunt’ on her TV show. People – by which I mean mostly American right-wingers – are up in arms because calling the daughter of the US President a ‘cunt’ is apparently one of the most heinous things you can do. So let’s talk about the word ‘cunt’, shall we?
Eye contact challenge: can you keep your eyes open for an entire fuck?
Join me on a journey of self-discovery and intensely powerful shagging as I take part in a challenge that scared the shit out of me: making eye contact for the entire duration of a fuck.
PCOS and hair removal: why can’t I stop doing this?
I shave my legs every couple of weeks. My armpits more frequently – maybe once or twice each week. I pluck my eyebrows when I spot a stray hair, and get them threaded when I can brave the salon. Then occasionally I cover my neck, chest and stomach in hair removal cream, lie on the bathroom floor like a melting snowman, and wait for the hair to burn off. I have PCOS, and Sisyphus has nothing on me.
Guest blog: First time needle play
This week’s incredible guest blog is by Morgan, who goes by @KinkyAutistic on Twitter and blogs over at Kinky Autistic too. When they got in touch to pitch me a guest blog about first time needle play I practically leapt out of my chair with enthusiasm: needle play is something I’ve seen done on other people but never had a go at myself, but something about it really appeals to me. And Morgan’s story manages to get right to the heart of some things that are deeply sexy about it.
Strap me down and fuck me: kinky DIY test
Recently I wrote up some instructions on kinky DIY: how to turn your coffee table into a spanking bench. This post is the inevitable write-up of the first time we used it. It’s filthy, because this table was made for fucking, so probably best not to read it at work or in front of your grandchildren.