All Posts – Page 183

Sexy link roundup: courage, incels and dystopian erotica
It’s been a while since I did a round-up of sexy links, so apologies for being lax on it. But I am now raring to go and because I’ve missed a couple of weeks I’m going to pick three of my favourite sex blog posts from the last few weeks. I also have not one but TWO bonus updates right at the end of the post…

Guest blog: A little different
Meet Cara Thereon (@thereon_cara): an incredible sex blogger who I had the pleasure of hanging out with at Eroticon this year. Cara is in what some would call a ‘DD/lg’ relationship – she uses the honorific ‘Daddy’ and refers to herself as a ‘little’, and she regularly plays within this dynamic. I’m saying this up front so that those of you who might find this uncomfortable can click away now, and also so I can state really clearly up front that both of the people who feature in this piece are firmly over the age of 18. It’s a tricky play dynamic to talk about, and an intensely personal thing to describe, and I am so grateful to Cara for stopping by to give such an intimate and thoughtful look into her relationship, and why it works for her.

Masturbation Month: my favourite kinds of wank
In case you hadn’t seen it from literally every sex toy company you follow on social media (what do you mean you don’t follow sex toy companies on social media? Go follow some of my sponsor companies, immediately!) May is Masturbation Month. For wankers like me, that means it’s the same as any other month, only we have to write content to hit the specific keyword ‘Masturbation Month’ or we’ll get beaten in Google searches by terrible magazine articles that offer wanking tips you already knew. ANYWAY. In my quest for Masturbation Month material, I thought I’d write you a list of some of my favourite kinds of wank.
Kinky DIY: Turn your coffee table into a spanking bench
Remember a few months ago when I turned my Fleshlight Launch into a spunk-milking machine? Well, I decided I needed a new project, so I got stuck in to some more kinky DIY: turning my coffee table into a customised spanking bench. I’ve wanted something like this for a while, but buying nice, heavy, padded furniture to get thoroughly fucked on can seriously bugger your wallet. A proper bondage horse can set you back over $1,000 (about £740) and even just a flat, padded BDSM board that you could put on a table somewhere costs nearly $300 (£220) So I wanted to see if I could do it cheaper myself.

I am so bored of you fucking me
There’s a particular porn scene my partner and I watch over and over and over. I’m not going to tell you exactly what it is, because for some reason a little piece of my brain blushes at the thought of you watching it and judging me. But it contains a dynamic that I find incredibly hot: the bored fuck. Ideally with an incredibly eager dude (or a line-up of them) and a really bored-looking woman. Her expression says ‘I’m bored of you fucking me’ or perhaps even ‘get on with it’, and his desperation paired with her ambivalence makes me a soaking-wet-and-shaking kind of horny.