All Posts – Page 187
I’m horny and everything looks like fucking
I’m horny and so everything I see looks like fucking. The boots that are lying jumbled in the corner of my bedroom look like a quick, bent-over fuck over an office desk. The couple snogging on the corner look like fucking. The hot guy behind the bar at the local pub with his raised eyebrow and tight t-shirt: he always looks like fucking, but even more so today. I’d normally seethe about the guys on the train playing music loudly from their tinny phone speakers, but they look like fucking right now too.
Brilliant guest blogs of 2014
Last year I started doing a series highlighting some of my favourite guest blogs from the archive. As I’ve been looking through the blog archive to turn sexy stories into audio porn, I’ve been reminded of some of the amazing guest blogs people have contributed to these pages. Take a trip down memory lane with me to some of the brilliant guest blogs of 2014… (more…)
It’s not just Doritos – any food can be ‘for women’ if we try!
Yesterday, as I was sipping coffee delicately from a pink china cup, I stumbled across the news that Doritos are considering making female-friendly crisps. Naturally, I was delighted, and I’d like us to take this one step further. If we’re going to start making crisps I can FINALLY eat without accidentally causing flavour or texture to harm the velvety inside of my womanly mouth, surely it’s time for more female-friendly foodstuffs? I’ve had a go at creating some of my own.
Sexy link roundup: unread messages, tough conversations, and terrible bastards
It’s been a while since I did an SoSS/sexy link round-up – please forgive me and accept this week’s offering with three blog posts I’ve really enjoyed, plus bonus links to new resources for LGBTQ college students, which I was sent by the people who made them and wanted to add in case they’re helpful.
Guest blog: Relearning to have sex after a hysterectomy
This week’s guest blog is by a fantastic fellow blogger – Isabelle Lauren. She writes with touching candour about sex and libido after having a hysterectomy. It’s a brilliant piece, and it gave me an insight into not only one of the ways in which sex can be a struggle, but also about how vital patience and communication are when dealing with sexual difficulties. Check out her brilliant blog (and in particular this recent piece on the sex/violence distinction for over-18 content, which I really enjoyed) and follow her on Twitter @RomanticIsa.