All Posts – Page 187

What does it mean to be sexually compatible?
Sexual compatibility isn’t always about liking the same things. It’s nice to discover that your whims and lusts match up sometimes, when you both fancy exactly the same kind of shag. But to me, being sexually compatible is less about always wanting the same thing and more about being intrigued by the other person’s kinks and quirks.

Playing easy to get
In a world where it seems like everyone plays ‘hard to get’, allow me to explain why being ‘easy to get’ can be miraculous.

‘Super Seducer’, and the myth of the mysterious woman
Last week I watched an hour-long YouTube video of a man playing a game called ‘Super Seducer’, because I am ever keen to unravel the mystery of men. What ARE men, exactly? If I believe the creator of ‘Super Seducer’, the answer is that they are absolute twats.

Sexy link roundup: anxiety, kink discourse and hot erotica
This week’s sexy link roundup/SoSS post features two posts that got me thinking a LOT and one post that inspired me to have a really lovely wank. Check out the posts below, and click on the headlines to read the full pieces.

Fuck me with your taut, shiny, big hard dick
It’s about eleven at night on Sunday, the last day of Eroticon. I’ve had a long weekend and I really, really REALLY should be in bed. But I am not in bed just yet because I am staring, mesmerised and open-mouthed, at a picture of my other half’s big hard dick. Such a good picture. It’s so hard I can almost see it throbbing through the screen. Shiny and tight and solid and holy fuck all that good stuff. Much like the time I watched him wank in the shower, I am unable to tear my eyes away from this beautiful, beautiful thing. I am undone.