All Posts – Page 190

Sinful Sunday: what makes me feel sexy

Isn’t it weird how something really simple can make the difference between feeling terrible and feeling amazing?


Pay men less or women more? The fight for equal pay

It’s odd for someone like me, who has been saying for a long time that feminism won’t harm men, to have to explain that feminism means some men might have to be paid less in the future. But that’s exactly what I’m going to say, and what’s more I need to point out that it doesn’t actually mean you will have ‘less’ than women. Let’s talk about the BBC, Birmingham council, and Tesco: all places which have been subject to criticism over unequal pay.


Fuck me till my nose bleeds

As you can probably tell from the title, this post is going to involve blood so please do look away now if that’s not your thing. It also features a picture which, if you did not know the entirely consensual and sexy context, might be shocking. So before you click or scroll down, understand that the nosebleed is not the result of violence, and I’m only writing about it because the guy who features here managed to turn something as mundane as a nosebleed into the perfect climax to a BDSM fuck, and I thought some of you might appreciate the filth of it. Ready? OK.  


GOTN’s Eroticon 2018 Meet and Greet

It’s just over a month until Eroticon 2018, the conference for sex bloggers, erotica writers and other erotic creative types held in Camden on 17th/18th March. Just typing that sentence makes me simultaneously excited and nervous, because Eroticon was so good to me when I was a baby blogger that I desperately want it to be as good for others as it was for me. Molly, Michael and I have been working hard at the planning, and all our amazing speakers are getting ready to give their talks/workshops. All that’s left now is to introduce ourselves, and get ready for March 2018…


Sexy link roundup: #MeToo, boot polishing and breast massagers

This week’s sexy link round-up is eclectic: I’ve got one serious post, one seriously horny post, and one seriously odd post. Click on the headings below to read the full articles, and please do share the ones you love.
