All Posts – Page 198

Sexy link roundup: spanking, menstrual cups and Sophia Loren

This week’s sexy link round up features just three things. One erotic, one practical, and one just plain fun. Read some other great writers on spanking, menstrual cups, and an archive interview with Sophia Loren. And then (because it’s Share Our Shit Saturday) please share the posts you enjoy!


Guest blog: She wears leather for me

I read this week’s guest blog three times before I even replied to the guest blogger. Then I ran into the room where my partner was sitting and read it aloud to him. Then I read it again on my own. Then, finally, I emailed him back to say ‘HOLY SHIT YES PLEASE.’ As he explained in his email, it covers fetish and voyeurism but at its heart it’s about relationships. Knowing each other, trusting each other, and doing those things that you just know your partner will love… Jason explains why his wife wears leather.


‘New Life’/No Nut November is a massive pile of wank

There are very few things in life that are truly guilt-free pleasures. Throughout the history of the human race, we’ve been on the constant look-out for pleasure. And unfortunately, most of the things we find that give it to us turn out to be bad in some way. Masturbation, though, is not one of those things. It is the jewel in the pleasure crown: something which is both intensely enjoyable and actually good for you. So it’s disappointing to hear that some twats have invented ‘No Nut November’ – a masturbation version of Stoptober (for smoking) or Dry January (for booze). A month during which people are encouraged to avoid masturbation for the good of their physical and mental health.


Why I would like to become a sex robot

There are lots of fascinating ethical questions surrounding the production of humanoid sex robots, not least the question of what kind of consent you’d need from someone in order to use their voice, face, or body when you produce a silicone replicant. But I want to state it here and now that I’d love to live on as a sex robot.


Sexy link roundup: consent, poison and the word MILF

As ever, I’m trying to share more stuff from cool people – thanks to ErosBlog for giving me (and lots of other people!) an idea we could run with to help spread great sex writing across the web.
