All Posts – Page 205

Apocalypse fantasy: gang bangs, dreams and reality
I am not hoping for the apocalypse. Let that sink in, fully and completely, because although this includes a dirty story about gang-bangs and sexual servicing, it is not an ‘ apocalypse fantasy’ in the purposeful sense: I do not ever want it to come true. I don’t want the world to end, and I don’t want anyone to die. But sometimes, when I am calm and happy, I entertain myself by daydreaming about the end of the world. In my fantasy, all the people on the planet have disappeared except for a select few. And those select few: they fuck me.

Guest blog: sex, disability and focusing on pleasure
I adore this week’s guest blog, for many reasons – not least because it is super-hot in it’s descriptions of some of the sexual details that I like to obsess over. But also because it’s devastatingly real: real-life fucking with all the quirks and kinks and troubles that come with it. It’s about sex, disability, and dealing with chronic pain and fatigue when you’re fucking. Take it away Alice…

Fucking outdoors: the opposite of getting a room
When I was young, fucking outdoors was a mundane necessity. The phrase ‘get a room‘ ironically got far more of an airing when none of us really had any rooms to ‘get’ to. So we fucked in parks. Behind bushes. Occasionally in tents or sheds. Anywhere you could reasonably slide off your clothes without risk of getting caught by your parents or the police. It didn’t seem adventurous: it was just the only option. Now, though, necessity has given way to spice. Fucking outdoors is an adventure.

Best date stories: romance, hilarity and disaster
Recently I asked you all to tell me your best date stories – the funny ones, the lovely ones, the disastrous ones, and everything in-between. The winner would receive a night of free drinks courtesy of my sponsor Every Cloud Bar. You came through spectacularly, with some incredible dating stories. Read the entry that won, check out some of the other amazing stories, and share your own in the comments if you’d like to join in…

Guest blog: stretching my cunt
This week’s guest blog is by Candi Stretch – of Stretching Candi (very NSFW link) – and she’s here to talk about stretching her cunt. I honestly can’t give it a better intro than that because if you’re anything like me you’ll immediately be intrigued already – by the politics of cunt-stretching, the practicalities of fisting and fitting large objects inside, and everything else that comes along with cunt-stretching as a kink.