All Posts – Page 223

Eroticon 2017 – GOTN’s meet and greet post

It’s just over two weeks until Eroticon – the UK event for sex writers that has been the highlight of my year since I first went in 2014. I’m simultaneously excited and nervous, because this year I’m helping to organise it. As part of the conf, to help people get to know each other, each year Molly runs a ‘meet and greet.’ So: if you’re coming, copy the questions from the meet and greet post, and fill in your answers. Then share it, tag @EroticonUK, and meet some of the people who’ll be coming along.


Guest blog: She writes a new poem about rebirth, every day

I love poetry, and especially sexy poetry, so I was over the moon when Lexy – who runs the Lexy Experiment Tumblr (NSFW) – got in touch with me to offer this fantastic piece. It’s sexy and wistful and gorgeous, and I hope you love it as much as I do. If you’re a poet too, please do feel free to pitch me a guest poem!


If I could see the future…

Sometimes I wish I could see the future before I make an important decision. I’d jump at the chance to gaze into a murky crystal ball and find out which relationships would work out, which heartbreaks I could avoid, which projects would be successful. But if I really could see the future, I’d probably have had less fun.


Two things: porn censors and sex advice

Two things this week – a couple of things you should check out in the world of sex news. The first is an incredible (or incredibly awful) job as a porn censor for the UK Government, the second is a book of sex advice that I have been reading and thoroughly enjoying…


The best sex we ever had together

I’ve been asked before about the best sex I’ve ever had – the question itself is a weird one. Much as I love ranking things, it’s truly hard to choose a ‘best’ shag, because the criteria will change depending on my mood. Do you mean ‘best sex’ in terms of filthiness? Sheer pleasure? Bucket-list options ticked off? If you ask me about the best sex, I’ll need a bit of clarification on terms. But if you ask me about the best sex with any specific guy, I can usually give you an answer. It just might not be the one you would expect.
