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The Sex Workers’ Opera is pretty extraordinary

“Do you want to go and see a show about sex work?”

“Ooh, yeah, that sounds interesting. Tell me more.”

“It’s a combination of storytelling and political activism.”


“Told via the medium of song.”



A dirty poem, because why not?

I’m still catching up on work, blog and life after Eroticon, so to tide you over with something fun I’ll give you a quick and dirty poem. I wrote this in part during Ashley Lister’s workshop, then tweaked it slightly on the train back.

It’s rough. But so am I.


EroticonLive 2016 – the last one?

Exhausted and happy – that’s pretty much how I’ve ended each Eroticon I’ve been to for the last three years. From the first, in 2014, when I mostly hid at the back of rooms and tried to pluck up the courage to talk to my favourite bloggers, to the second, where I trembled and rushed my way through a talk. To this one, in 2016, where I laughed with old friends, made amazing new ones, and felt like the luckiest person alive.

This round-up will probably only make sense to the people who were there. If you’re just here for the filth, look away now.

EroticonLive 2016


Two things: twitter trolls and a sexy ghost

Two things! I have been away all weekend, at the incredible EroticonLive. I’ll do a proper write up at some point, because I have a million thoughts and lovely things to say about the amazing sessions I went to. But in the meantime here are two links to things that you need to read: one sexy and shiver-inducing, and the other practical and wise.


Riding crops: tally fucking ho

WHY HAVE I NEVER WRITTEN ABOUT RIDING CROPS?! I need to rectify this immediately, because riding crops are not only super-hot, but they also represent one of my earliest sexual memories. And by that I mean there was one time I spotted a riding crop on TV and couldn’t understand why I got all the funny feelings.
