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Eroticon 2016: GOTN’s meet and greet post
If you’re not a sex writer, look away now – perhaps at this week’s ‘two things’ link roundup. This post is one just for the other writers and bloggers, most of whom I hope are coming along to Eroticon 2016 because it’s going to be amazing fun. It’s a bit admin-y, and I have three things to do:
- Promote the shit out of Eroticon 2016, because it’s an incredible event
- Introduce myself so that people know me when I get there
- Ask other bloggers for some examples to use in my talk

Two things: morning boners and romantic robots
Morning boners on a Monday morning? I’m spoiling you. Here’s two things for this week, which includes an ace blog about morning boners, a romantic artificial intelligence engine, and a chance to be interviewed about your sex life. I realise this is rapidly expanding into ‘more than two things’, which I hope you’ll see as a bonus rather than a flagrant disregard for my self-imposed brief. Here we go…

Being used: the other side of the story
“Let’s get some dick in you.”
There are two ways I can tell this story. If you’ve not read the sexy version then pop over and read that before you look at this one – I suspect it won’t have quite the same effect if you read them the other way around. I’ve been wanting to do this ‘two versions’ thing for a while, because it’s as honest an answer as I can find to a very frequently asked question: is what you write true?
It is. But storytelling, like sex, is often about the angle.

Being used: the dirty story
“Let’s get some dick in you.”
Storytelling is like sex: so much of it is about the angle. And there are two ways I can tell this dirty story. One ends with a punchline, the other with a perfect climax.
As this is the filthy version, I’ll give it to you quick and hard.

What are real men and how can I spot one in the wild?
Let me tell you something about real men: real men cry. They weep giant, fist-sized tears of misery. They collect them in a bucket, which they’ll later use to drown an angry bear.
Pay attention: it’s important. Because just as we’re told that ‘real women’ have curves, so we’re also spun lines about which men count as ‘real’.
Study the signs, remember them. Then burn your laptop lest this fall into enemy hands.