All Posts – Page 35

Single life: a romance
I get these bursts of it, every now and then. Like a high. It swells upwards and outwards from the centre of my chest – rushing with a power that’s so much stronger than the first tingles of love. In the beginning, these rushes were so intense that sometimes they’d stop me in my tracks. Make it so I had to pause whatever I was doing and just breathe for a few seconds. In and out. Spine straight, shoulders back, slightly light-headed like you get when you stand up too quickly.

Guest blog: The Laundromat – ‘There’s only this’
The hardest thing about editing today’s guest blog was stopping myself from holding my breath as I waited for each beat of it to drop. The pace, rhythm, atmosphere and intensity of this story is so good it genuinely fucked with my breathing. This gorgeous piece of erotica about a powerful and intense casual sex erotica is by Clara Dunn (@author_dunn on Twitter), who you might remember from her fabulous intro guest blog a few weeks ago, about why you shouldn’t fuck to the album Harry’s House. She sent this one over at the same time, and it is so hot it fucking melted me. I hope you enjoy being utterly ruined in the same way…

Do you know what the double-tap means?
The following post is going to describe some intense facefucking. It’s all consensual, I love having my face fucked. But not everyone likes it, of course, and many people will find this sort of thing terrifying. As with all fuckplay, the more intense you want to be the more groundwork you need to do: discussing limits and preferences with your partner and establishing ways to withdraw consent if things get too much. Now let’s talk about how red-hot the double-tap is.

This is not helpful, it’s control
I haven’t felt this brand of rage in a while, so I thought I’d have a go at capturing it while it still flows fresh through my veins. Basically, at the heart of it, I am angry with a man because he wanted to be helpful. He wanted to be helpful so much that he ignored me saying ‘no, please do not be helpful.’ Inevitably, no matter how angry I am at him, I am even more angry with myself. Here’s the thing…

Eroticon 2023: Bumper Deluxe Almost Everything Post
In the week or two following an awesome event, there’s usually a lot of FOMO floating around, so before I get stuck into this mammoth post-Eroticon round-up, I’m first going to urge you to subscribe for updates on the website if you haven’t already – scroll to the bottom of the page and pop your email address in, or follow Eroticon on Twitter, Instagram or Mastodon. That way, whatever comes next, you’ll be one of the first to know. Note, too, that you don’t need to be a sex blogger/erotic creative/Only Fans superstar to come to Eroticon – everyone is welcome, as long as you abide by the event behaviour policy. There are many people who are dipping their toes into the world of sex creativity, or just toying with the idea of maybe starting to do something someday. And even if you never intend to make erotic content of your own, I imagine most sex nerds will still enjoy the talks and workshops. No guarantee that you won’t have been converted into a smut creative by the end, though…