All Posts – Page 45

ChatGPT is not horny: robots can’t sex blog

Earlier this week, my best mate asked me if I’d tried using ChatGPT to see if it could accurately do my job. I am fascinated by machines that can learn, because I enjoy exploring the philosophical implications of computers that can genuinely think: the same thing that drew me to sex robots a few years ago now has me salivating over the possibility that a chat bot might one day achieve personhood. But in today’s world we are less worried about AI ‘achieving personhood’ than ‘stealing our jobs’. So… is ChatGPT good enough that one day it might take my job? Can robots write sex blogs? I thought I’d test it out to see whether I was in trouble.


Guest blog: Santa only comes once a year…

Every time Christmas rolls round, I feel terrible that I am unable to produce a saucy Santa story for your enjoyment. I’ve done a story about being unwrapped like a gift, a cute(ish) story about heading home for the holidays, and a Christmas gang bang, but nothing that features the King of Presents himself. I think I just struggle to get into a sexy Santa headspace. Luckily, this year, Tony has stepped in to bring a bit of festive magic, with a genderflipped Santa and an ethereal Christmas party shag…


How to remove a bra without using your hands

I could count on the fingers of one hand the number of times someone’s removed my bra with dexterity and skill. It just doesn’t happen very often. There’s a reason for this: bra hooks are pretty tricky to handle! When I was younger I think I bought in to the propaganda that a guy who was ‘good in bed’ would be able to magically unhook my bra one-handed while we were making out, without any fumbling whatsoever. But that’s bollocks. Nowadays, I think that the hottest way to remove a bra isn’t to fumble with it, or even dispense a little quick-fingered wizardry. The sexiest and most efficient way to remove my bra is to just tell me to take it off.


8 minutes on tiptoes: a very mindful make-out

When we start to kiss, I’m on my tiptoes. Stretching up to meet his lips, soft and floaty and slightly off-balance. We exist in this tiny, horny bubble in his kitchen, surrounded by jangly tunes and the smell of something spiced for dinner. I’m on tiptoes when we start to kiss.


Guest blog: My rumbling, shuddering, aching cock

I’m so delighted to welcome Valery North back to the blog today! Valery has guest blogged before, most recently writing a fantastic overview of rimming sex toys, and attempting to recreate the unique sensation of being rimmed. And recently, courtesy of my site sponsors Hot Octopuss, hae had the opportunity to try out the fucking amazing (and – as far as I know – completely unique) Hot Octopuss JETT. Valery’s written about this amazing ‘turbo drive for your cock’ in this fabulous post, and here hae’s going to extend the fun a little with a gorgeous piece of erotic fiction in which JETT is the star of the show. And frankly, as someone who can rarely resist someone writing about their aching cock and the ways they relieve that ache, I’m extremely grateful to Valery for dropping by…
