All Posts – Page 5

Up your game!

I read this one to Patreons in December, and it’s long, so here’s this post as audio if you prefer.

I have a message here for men. And before I get stuck into it, I’ll clarify (as I always have to) that obviously I don’t mean all men. In fact this time I don’t even mean ‘most’ men. I am speaking very precisely to single, straight/bi/pan men in London between the ages of about 30 and 50. My message is this: up your game.


Find your joy: a hedonist’s advice on broken resolutions

As a massive hedonist, I want you to find your joy. No one else in your life can ever have your happiness as their top priority (which is right – only you can truly know all the things that will bring you pleasure), so it probably needs to be a high priority for you. Around this time of year, some of you will likely have broken – or be about to break – one or more of the punitive resolutions you set yourself on the first of January. Restricting pleasure or causing yourself pain in the name of self improvement. I’m not qualified to tell you how to live a healthy or virtuous life, but if you want to make resolutions you can stick to, I have a few tips from the hedonist gutter that might help you set ones you’re less inclined to break.


Sometimes you just need to break stuff

Usually when I split up with someone, I’ll wallow in wistful nostalgia and take a little time to say goodbye. I’ll be gutted, of course, but sadness is familiar and life has helpfully taught me that it will pass. This time it’s different: I’ve found myself frightened and destabilised – turning fear and despair inwards till the panic of it starts to choke me. Life goes on, though! Unfortunately, it kind of has to! Despite my most fervent wishes, I am not allowed to just shut down all my organs and give up the ghost! This is partly because my lovely friends won’t let me. Here are eight things I have been offered by kind people who want to comfort me in the darkness.


Guest blog: Slutty Cinderella does a very thorough job

I’m not gonna lie, I absolutely lost my mind at one key moment in this piece. Nearly slid right off my office chair and onto a crumpled, horny heap on the floor. Please welcome back the fabulous Komplicated Kitty, who some of you might remember from her red-hot piece ‘bring it, babe‘ back in November. She’s here today with an account of another intensely sexy BDSM scene, in which her Master orders her into her collar, and then to go clean the kitchen floor. Read on for humiliation, degradation and one very slutty Cinderella…


Guest blog: Why I love being a domestic service sub

I’m super excited to welcome Harley back to the guest blog. In the past he’s talked about the appeal of financial domination (findom), and given a fascinating insight into the appeal of having someone take away your money for kinky reasons. He also brightens up my timeline over on BlueSky @harlequinworks with gorgeous kinky build projects (seriously, check out his website – HarlequinWorks – for kickass projects like installing hard points for rope suspension). I love his work, and I also love his considered and thoughtful take on kink. Today he’s here to give you the lowdown on being a domestic service sub – what misconceptions to people often have about this kind of activity? And what exactly does he get out of doing the chores for a dominant? Take it away Harley…
