All Posts – Page 62

Guest blog: Why I love to make you come
Today’s guest blogger is here to talk about one of the greatest joys in life: giving someone else an orgasm. I say ‘giving’ an orgasm, but one of the things I love about this act is that there are so many different ways in which to do it. Evidenced by the fact that there are multiple ways to express it in language – ‘getting you off’, ‘making you come’, ‘bringing you to climax’ – each one evoking a different tone for what you’re doing. Today’s guest blogger runs the site Ten Ways To Touch, and so fittingly here he’s offering up a list of ten things he loves about giving and receiving orgasms. Take it away…

The man who will not text me back
“There is absolutely no way he’ll text me back,” I tell my friends, the day after an extremely hot date. I can’t really explain why I’m so convinced of this, but I am. In fact, so certain am I that he’ll wake up tomorrow and realise he’s made a mistake that I ask him – while we’re on the date – if I can take a picture to show people how hot the man I shagged was. In case, you know, I never see him again. This is very impolite of me, but he’s game so we take pictures. When I show one of my friends a shot of him – kissing me on the cheek, while I grin inanely to camera – my mate laughs and tell me: “you look like you’ve won a contest.”

Top guest audio porn: stories to wank to
In October 2021, we launched the latest round of guest audio porn: new writers hopped aboard the filth train to turn their sexy written words into audio smut, and a few writers you’d met before contributed their kickass work too. Since the first of the new batch went up, audio has had well over 1 million listens on the site and we now have a bank of almost 350 audio porn pieces – huge thanks to these incredible writers and the brilliant readers who have helped bring their words to life. As this round comes to an end, I thought I’d take the opportunity to do a quick round-up post of the top stories to wank to from the latest batch of amazing guest content.

Guest blog: Oh, how I need
I pulled the title for this from a line in this post, and I think it’s apt – this story absolutely aches and throbs with need. Sometimes I read erotica so good I realise I’m holding my breath. This is one of those pieces. No more intro, here’s @mudkri.

Talk dick to me: wanking with the Atom Plus Lux
“I’ve been thinking of getting a cock ring,” my toyboy tells me, and I nearly reach through the screen and grab him by the collar as I bark: “do not even think about getting one that isn’t the Atom Plus Lux.” It’s the best vibrating cock ring I’ve ever used, by quite some margin, and my heart breaks at the thought of his burgeoning enthusiasm for sex toys being dampened by any lesser item. Besides, alongside other benefits of dating me (like my high-quality jokes and love of sucking cock), there are practical perks to dating a sex blogger too, namely: I’ll get you free cock rings if you flutter your eyelashes nicely.