Author Archives: Robyn

Robyn Eats Everything simply loves having things in their mouth; from nipples and genitals to scotch eggs and Wispa Golds. They encapsulate all the very best of words beginning with P: plus-size, polyamorous, pansexual, and pleasingly pornographic. Robyn has been writing and showing-off since they were a teenager and, having matured into a 30-something highly-sexed exhibitionist possessing very little shame, started their blog as an outlet when even their very liberal friends became too scandalised to listen to any more graphic tales about their sex life. They take enormous pride in being gloriously lewd, inclusive, and queer in their writing and everyday life. As a plus-size goddess with a profound eating disorder and body dysmorphia, Robyn writes from the perspective of a fat person who loves porn, casual sex, and dating. Their aims are to represent the realities of eating disorders, smash the stigma surrounding fat people having sex and thoroughly enjoying themselves, and promote larger bodies being seen as sexual without being fetishized. When they're not writing, Robyn enjoys sleeping, going on hotel mini-breaks, and titting about on Twitter @robyneats. You can read more of their work at

Splash: the hot hotel sex that came after…

This gorgeous story about hot hotel sex with a stranger is written and read by Robyn of RobynEatsEverything

Remember when I went to that sex club: the one where I sat nude in a hot tub, as bait; the one where I let a group of strangers use my body for their own pleasure; the one where I came hard, sitting on the edge, as a guy sucked on my clit? That actually wasn’t the end of the story…


The conundrum: How do I want you?

This fabulous piece – “How do I want you?” – is written and recorded by Robyn, of RobynEatsEverything

Why do you have to make everything so difficult simply by being you? I want to take my time with you, time to worship every inch of that impossibly sexual body of yours and learn exactly what my touch does to every little bit of it. But I also want you, need you, demand you, now. And I mean, now, right now, because you and your body are the most urgent things in my world.


First time femme domme: anticipation, pain and pleasure

This fabulous first time femme domme story is written and recorded by Robyn of RobynEatsEverything. This piece contains BDSM including impact play, nipple clamps, and a pinwheel.

As my finger hovers a centimetre away from their skin, threatening to make contact, they start to beg; they whimper and whine and plead with me to touch them. Their face is contorted, their eyes crumpled closed, as though the lack of touch is causing them excruciating pain. I study them and consider gently pushing my finger into their chest, granting them the relief they’re so desperate for, but only briefly; it is far too delicious watching them tremble and quake. As my finger continues to float its way across their naked body, closely following the contours of their chest, they let out an anguished groan as they realise they’re not going to feel it.


Birthday cake: Ice my face with your cum

This fabulous erotic vignette is written and read by Robyn of RobynEatsEverything.

All I want for my birthday is a fat load of your cum to ice my face like a cake.


Splash: Getting used in a hot tub

This incredible account of getting used in a hot tub is written and read by Robyn, of Robyn Eats Everything, and originally appeared on their website. 

It is a truth universally acknowledged that single men at a sex club are always down to fuck around in a hot tub. So yes, I knew exactly what I was doing when I slid my fishnet body stocking off and stepped down into the warm, bubbling water; I wanted to be fucked around with.
