For over a year now, Stuart F Taylor (aka @chainbear on twitter) has been drawing illustrations to go with my blog posts. They’re stunning things, each one custom drawn to go with a particular post. Whether it’s a specific sex act (like spanking) or an abstract concept (like edging yourself to orgasm), each and every one of them is a work of sexy art.
Stuart’s going to be taking a very well-earned break for a month or so, so I thought it might be a nice opportunity to give you a run-down of some of my favourite sexy illustrations that he’s drawn over the last year or so. Problem with picking favourites though, is that I love every single one of them so it’s pretty much impossible to choose – head to the image galleries (SFW one + NSFW one) and check out the others.
Splosh fetish
So. Much. Sploshy. Joy.
Fucking on a desk (sex and anxiety)

Picture by the awesome Stuart F Taylor
When you’re so horny you don’t care about spilling coffee.
Knickers and pants
OK, I’m cheating by putting two for this – but I love how these images are basically twins. They accompany two posts about sexy knickers and sexy pants.

Image by the awesome Stuart F Taylor

Image by the lovely Stuart F Taylor
Sleep fucking

Image by the inspired Stuart F Taylor
This one needs no explanation. Sexy spooning, grabby hands, beautiful.
Sex tardis (time travel sex)

Image by the amazing Stuart F Taylor Look at the detail!
Because everything about this picture is genius. Look at what I have instead of a sonic screwdriver!
Orgasm control/cat’s cradle

Image by the genius Stuart F Taylor
Every now and then I do something mean, like ask for a picture of the concept of ‘orgasm control‘ or ‘edging‘, and he comes up with the most amazing visualisations. His picture of an orgasm is still one of the most shared on the site, and it even launched a competition that resulted in loads more brilliant orgasm pics.
Sexy lift snogs

Image by the brilliant Stuart F Taylor
Something about the turn of the neck, and the impulsive hotness of this snog. Mmmm.
Other half

Picture by the awesome Stuart F Taylor
This picture is basically how my heart feels when I remember that one day I have to die.
Knicker sniffing

Image by the brilliant Stuart F Taylor
I love this because it is as much a celebration of how beautiful freckles are as it is a celebration of pant-sniffing.
Porn and diversity

Picture by the brilliant Stuart F Taylor
How could I not pick this one? Of all the pics Stuart has drawn, this one has the highest number of hot naked people.
Now, that’s an artist! Thank you for the introduction. Stunning work.
Love Stuart’s stuff. The orgasm control one is truly inspired.
How I’d love for us to be as one Upstairs;
try and break-away from the world, too.
I’ll definitely pray for you.
God bless you.