Guest blog: We suck! Collaborative cocksucking 101

Image by the brilliant Stuart F Taylor

A while ago I did a shoutout on Mastodon for guest blogs about collaborative cocksucking. The key reason being that I have a tonne of fantasies about this specific thing, and in lieu of being able to live these fantasies out, I like to live vicariously through you lot. Very kindly, Der_Schrank got in touch to offer his thoughts on the joys of sucking dick with a friend, and a few tips if you want to try it yourself. Thank you so much to him!

We suck! Collaborative cocksucking 101

Cocks, dicks, whatever you might call them, I’m all in.  Ever since I’ve started fantasising about sucking dick and especially since the first time I actually had the opportunity to do it (which actually was not that long ago), I have loved it. The taste, the touch, the movements, the sounds. Teasing, tickling and occasionally, yes, nibbling – I’m very playful when it comes to that.

While it’s a great thing to do with just one person, it’s also tantalising to share the experience with somebody who is as excited about sucking dick as I am.

Luckily for me, I have experienced collaborative cocksucking a few times and I’m happy to share the small vivid bits I still have in my memory, although they might not have happened in the exact order and combination I recall.

The first time I tried collaborative cocksucking

First of all, please note: size doesn’t matter. Seriously. Even hardness doesn’t matter really. All that matters is the moment. Sharing eye contact with somebody else, looking down on the meat, looking back up and clicking with the other person.

First time I did it was actually the first time I sucked cock – there were three of us there. The other person involved gave me some space to experience my first dick, but while I was sucking I noticed something in their eyes… so I invited them in. And they accepted the invitation.

Hell yeah, they did.

I let go, pointed it towards them and they started sucking. After a few moments watching this wonderful moment of… um… bonding, I started licking everything they couldn’t reach meanwhile checking back with the person attached to this juicy boner so they could verify that yes, they were still with us and yes, they were quite satisfied with the situation.

Then we moved to using our tongues instead of the full mouth and, using this technique, both of us could enjoy the shaft at the same time.

On another occasion, with the same setup but different people, I had gathered a bit more experience about how I like to suck dick. My friend who was there with me – where the magic was happening – knew about my newfound tastes. To say it plainly: I like it rough and deep.

So when it was my turn to suck, my friend grabbed my head and pushed me down… hard. They knew exactly how hard and how deep I wanted it, and they also knew that an accompanying “good boy!” would hit me right where it felt good. That person had a serious kink for noises and reactions, so my grunting made them happy and together we made the third person happy so it really was a win-win-win.

But please, don’t think that collaborative cocksucking always has to be rough and hard. No, no, no.

Collaborative cocksucking – tips

You can share a tender kiss during the blow job, with the tip of the cock between your lips – and that’s quite enjoyable. And if you’re also a fan of cum like I am, you don’t have to stop at the final fanfare – you can continue together, an erupting volcano between you. Or you can allow the person to come inside one of your mouths and then kiss it between you, sharing is caring after all.

Throwing in some lustful looks upwards at the person who’s currently losing their mind, both of you giving them eye contact while you suck them then well… you can really send them to the stars.

So you see: collaborative cocksucking isn’t just mindlessly bopping your head up and down and switching positions, it can be a lot of playful fun and games too. It all comes down to something I’ve learned before: it’s best if you really know the persons involved. Know what they like, what they dislike and what they consider a good time.

I have friends with benefits that don’t enjoy dick at all. Not one bit of it. And that’s fine. We all enjoy different types of things. So those friends won’t be in your collaborative cocksucking roster. You have to pick the right people to team up with.

What’s more, the moment is key. Sometimes it just doesn’t feel right. You might be at a sex club party where the DJ is trying to pierce your eardrums or you simply had a bad day. The persons involved might be ideal, but the moment is not. So, then just… don’t. Keep it for a better time when you’re in the zone again.

Because if you and your friend(s) enjoy good old, hot, wet cocksucking, it’s worth waiting for the moment to be right.




I’d kick myself if I didn’t use this guest blog as an excuse to promote this gorgeous piece of audio porn about collaborative cocksucking – check out fuckbuddy blowjob by EuphemiseThis

1 Comment

  • Ric C says:

    I love sharing cock. My first time, I sucked cock with the man’s wife, then they sucked me. VERY erotic, with a great cum from both of us guys.

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