[The author of this post has asked me to take it down. Sorry! For more awesome stories that aren’t by me, though, check out the guest blog page.]
And if it’s fucking awesome gang bangs you’re interested in, then you may well be interested in this filthy-hot gang bang fantasy, or this real-life story about one time I got it on with a bunch of guys in a sex cinema.
Or any other post tagged gang bang, to be honest.
I think the question is, would you be fine with a gangbang if you were the one laying down the rules like that?
Umm, yeah. Surely getting to lay down the rules is one of the most fun parts?
I don’t have much to say: Just Uughmm
…wow. I’ll be in my bunk.
I. Want. This. SO badly. It’s one of my filthiest fantasies and most difficult to attain. One fine day, I hope…
One of my filthiest fantasies
How does stuff like this even get organised? It’s like a parallel universe.
Yes. Yes. All of this yes!
xx Dee
To those of those asking how I organised this – all my friends are perverts, mostly off the local kink scene. We were having a party. I tagged in those I knew might be interested that I’d already played with, but there were many other people at the party who weren’t involved, but knew what was going on. Yes, it was even more fun than Anon’s account of it ;)
~The Girl In The Middle
The boyfriend was seriously fucked off. And does not consent to having this blogged about.
Sorry to hear you’re pissed off. My general view on sex writing is that people have the right to own and write about their own experiences. While I can see why this probably isn’t massively comforting to you, I’m not going to say that the author isn’t allowed to share his, although obviously I put limits on certain things – anonymity, for instance, is really important if someone’s discussing things. He kept you (and everyone else involved in the story) anonymous.
I’ve removed your other comment – given what I’ve said above I hope you can understand why.
This was *the* low point of the relationship so far, has now set us back seven months and could yet be the final nail in the coffin. I did not consent to being part of his experience, so he does not get the right to own and write about me as part of it, and I get to add feeling violated on top of all the crap that night already did to me. It’s not been correctly related, either, so I come off even worse than I did at the time. I’m extremely difficult to anger, but I have never been so furious. There’s no obligation to take it down, but common decency would suggest you ought.