Guest blog: Three heartbroken poems

Image by the excellent Stuart F Taylor

Today’s guest blog comes in the form of some sad and beautiful heartbroken poems. Huge thanks to SN, who dropped me an email last week with these. I hope you find them as touching as I did.

Poetry about heartbreak

The dreams are

The worst.


Each night I touch

Your nose to mine

And you

Smile with surprise —

As if I were novel —

And touch

My cheek —


Wondering deep at my

Persistence in the



Each morn

This heart

Must learn anew

What it has lost;

That it has broken.



Our love was so big!

Oh, our love was so big!

Oh, we sang it!

Oh, we sang it!

At the top of our bursting lungs

In my old car and your rust job

Surely, someone could hear

But we didn’t care at all –

Oh no we didn’t no we didn’t –

Your bright eyes were

In my bright eyes

You were all the gold to me.

And my heart sang

Oh, my heart sang

How I loved you

How you loved me too

And so for us the future lay!


And our love was so big!

Oh Lord, was so big

Oh they’d never

Break us down.

We’d be partners

And we’d show them

This bigness within our breasts

So that they’d know

Cause they’d need know

That real love it could exist.


Now it’s my love

That’s the big love

Your one did fade away.

So it’s just me

Left to sing it

And it’s not really

Much the same.




It’s by morning cold

I miss you most –

The smell of you,

Your sweat still sweet from:

Last night’s pain

Willingly given,

Eagerly taken;

From your heaving

As you lay long on my chest

And over and over

I told you I loved you

My perfect, fragile little bird.

My heart is as wide as a city gate –

Come through.


  • fuzzy says:

    GOTN (the blog, not the person) seems to be on a serious downer later. Not that I don’t enjoy cathartic expression as much as the next person.

    Somebody put on some Reggae…

  • anon says:

    I’m with you all the way on the heartbreak express. Mine is a secret heartbreak from someone whose heart is also broken. A love so special that it could never ever be.
    I cry furtively in corners and then huge broken hearted gasping tears when alone.

  • Just love the post, seems like the words have directly come from the heart. Love to hear more from you.

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