There are some things I can’t do myself, and testing out a brand new device aimed at helping people with premature ejaculation issues is, sadly, one of them. Luckily for me, CJ Brook (@CJBrook_) was on hand to step in – valiantly and eagerly agreeing to put the MyHixel TR through its paces. MyHixel is one of my newest site sponsors – they used research on premature ejaculation to create a device plus app-based training programme designed to help you delay your time to orgasm. There are two different devices – the TR (reviewed here), which focuses on climax control, and the MED which is more tailored to premature ejaculation. How does ‘climax control’ training work? Penis-owner and excellent guest blogger CJ Brook is here to tell you. You’ve met him before, in this fabulous post about cloning his dick, and this other one on butt plugs and the joy of a great hotel wank. What did he make of the MyHixel? Let’s see…
The MyHixel TR device was provided for free by the company so that CJ Brook could write his review. MyHixel also sponsor my website, so if you’d like to buy a device of your own, you can use the unique discount code GTN10 for 10% off.
MyHixel: Longer play, more mindful orgasms
I rarely play games with my cock. There was the time I once tried to see how far through Alto’s Odyssey I could get just by using the tip of my penis (answer: not very) but let’s face it, dick-related phone apps aren’t really a thing. Yet.
As readers of this blog will know, I love sticking my dick in stuff for science, so the proposition of MyHixel really intrigued me. Thirty percent of men in the UK have suffered premature ejaculation and I count myself among that number. Lasting longer in bed – long enough to satisfy my multi-orgasmic wife at least – is the goal, and I really wanted to know if sex tech could help me to do that.
With MyHixel’s claim to be a ‘revolution for men and their sex lives’ via a masturbator and accompanying game-ified app that has you conquering planets in the name of climax-control, it seemed like a great place to start.
Here’s what I learned.

Image by CJ Brook
I already own a Fleshlight Flight and by comparison the MyHixel is a BIG toy, which is understandable considering the amount of additional sex tech involved. When showing it to guy friends (who had no idea what it was, but a good idea of what I’m into), they described it as a “cross between a Bluetooth speaker and a sex toy” which sums things up quite nicely (though I can’t comment on the sound quality).
Although I really like the aesthetic, and it’s like nothing I’ve seen before, I wouldn’t leave it out on the mantlepiece when the parents were visiting. For that matter, I’d also struggle to cram it into an overnight bag too, considering the size and the weight.
The MyHixel incorporates a vibrator, as well as a heating element which grabbed me right from the start. It also includes a thread mount to attach your MyHixel to the wall/car door/neighbour’s patio window, via their ‘Hands-Free’ accessory, which is a nice touch. A small sachet of water-based lube completes your MyHixel starter kit.

Image by CJ Brook
Downloading the app was easy, as was setting up an account. My nerd brain tingled somewhat at this stage (do I really want to make my spunk-timing data available to a third party I don’t know?) but everything was secure and straightforward to manage. You create an account, and the app is pin protected.
You start by filling in a questionnaire about your sexual happiness and ability to have control during sexual intercourse, which is done in a thorough way which covers all angles, including the satisfaction of your partner. This stage also asks you for your TLI – i.e. how long you normally last during sex before you come. I wasn’t expecting to be asked this, so hadn’t tested it, but in order to get the most out of your MyHixel experience it’s something you’ll need to do before you start. They recommend using a stopwatch with your partner, which according to Mrs Brook was “not particularly sexy”, but then it “didn’t help that I was counting in elephants”.

Image from CJ Brook
There are two types of sexual stimulation – physical and mental, or ‘friction and fiction’ – and I wanted to see how much difference it makes when you separate the two. The premise of MyHixel’s program is dedicate to the former – no thinking about Margaret Thatcher on a cold day here – it’s all about physical control; learning to listen to your body, attuning to the muscles which drive your orgasm, and controlling them to the point you can delay when you come.

Image from CJ Brook
The training programme is set out like a video game in which you have to ‘conquer’ a set of planets in turn. The first planet – Kronos (named after the Greek god of “oh shit sorry love”) – focuses on how to use your new toy and introduces some of the themes of the course you’ll be following. The app is really intuitive, and despite a few un-translated words (the team who developed MyHixel are Spanish) was a doddle to use. So, setting my countdown to 10 segundos whilst I lubed up, I dived straight in.
The toy feels great, and I was off to the races pretty quickly. The first exercise encourages you to play without stopping, and simply record your time to ejaculation on the app. Easy-peasy, no pressure, and not intimidating for a first timer. One minute and 40 seconds, if you really want to know, but with no mental stimulation. More on this shortly.
The MyHixel has a twisting cap that allows you to increase or decrease the level of suction, something common across many masturbators. It therefore doesn’t avoid what we’ll call the ‘Puffing Billy’ problem that all masturbators with suction caps seem to have, where the air escaping through the cap can make rhythmic, whooshing noises while you wank – a bit of a mood killer, especially if your better half has a habit of shouting “CHOO CHOO” at the moment of climax.
The vibrator itself isn’t strong but it does add to the experience, and you’re challenged to complete activities first without the vibrator, then with it, as a way to increase the intensity. Premature ejaculation training is all about taking small steps to increase your stamina.

Image by CJ Brook
MyHixel: did it help with premature ejaculation?
After a couple of weeks of following the program, I really started to notice a change. I became far more mindful when I wank; the first few planets helped me to identify the muscles which trigger when I climax, and by the third planet (Xipe; named after the Greek god of “hang on, gimme a sec”) I was taught to use ‘Active-Stops’, essentially edging yourself whilst using the toy. As soon as the app asked me to see how many times I could do this in a single session, I immediately took up the challenge, ‘Active-Stopping’ eight times before I gave in to a huge, spunk-wrenching orgasm.
The more time I spend with the MyHixel program, the more impressed I am with its straightforward and scientific approach to helping me become more aware of my body, and understanding what’s happening when I come. I now know the muscles which trigger my orgasm and how to listen to them, and although it’s a very conscious thing right now, I am sure that will become subconscious the more I practice.
Whats more, ‘training’ in premature ejaculation isn’t just helpful when it comes to coming, it’s also an enjoyable challenge in its own right. I’m a big gamer and the pull of wanting to beat my time from the last session is a big one, something the MyHixel app really does a good job of encouraging.

Image by CJ Brook
The app is really what makes MyHixel work. As a pure masturbator, it feels good, but nowhere near as good as my Fleshlight, and frankly if you’re after something purely for fun you wouldn’t be reading this. The MyHixel is all about training: the app and the device work in combination to train you to delay your orgasm.
Fiction vs friction: orgasm science
So, we’ve talked about friction – the physical sensations that lead to ejaculation, and how the MyHixel can help if you’re training yourself to delay. Now onto the ‘fiction’ bit: how much impact does porn have when it comes to controlling my orgasm?
The short answer is a lot.
Running the same activities on consecutive nights, first without any stimulation but then with some of my favourite porn, meant I last about 30% less time on average. My wonderful, understanding wife was also extremely keen to get her hands on the MyHixel TR and ‘help’ me.
I gave Mrs Brook a list of the various things that turn me on during sex and gave her the choice of which to try, to see the impact the had on my control time… unsurprisingly, watching my wife fuck herself with her favourite dildo whilst I used the MyHixel roughly halved my time to orgasm, as did having her sit on my face whilst she used it for me.
Again, my nerd brain was tingling… does it make a difference if both of her boobs are in my face, or just one? How many seconds difference does it make if I have music on in the background? Would having her tell me what a filthy boy I am reduce the time even further? Though the MyHixel would be a great way to complete this important research, unfortunately I ran out of both time and Mrs Brook’s patience before I could really build the spreadsheet – after a few weeks of concentrating on the premature ejaculation program, she wanted me to fuck her properly, thank you very much.
Speaking of sex, I have really noticed a change here too. Whilst I can’t exactly control the mental stimulation of fucking, I have found I really can control more of the physical side. All that edging, stopping and starting has really helped me to get better at delaying my orgasm. We still have our moments of pause (apparently my ‘listening to my body face’ is very similar to my ‘trying to do DIY face’) but now those moments don’t last as long and I get far more warning of when they’ll arrive.
So, how to summarise my time with the MyHixel TR? I’ve learned a lot! It was fun to use, and the app adds a lot. I’m more conscious of my body, and am excited to see which challenges come next. I have plenty of planets left to conquer, and a very willing co-pilot by my side.
Inevitably I am very jealous that CJ Brook got to try this out – sex tech that also gives you training?! Hot. I’m delighted he enjoyed it, and even more delighted that MyHixel did what it said on the tin and helped him last longer before he came. If you get frustrated by premature ejaculation, or frankly if you just want a penis-based game with which to challenge yourself during lockdown, visit the MyHixel website to get your device, and use the unique discount code GTN10 for 10% off.
They offer two different programs depending on what you need:
- For anyone: MYHIXEL TR (£189) includes the MyHixel device plus app, as used by CJ Brook in this post. Ideal for solo or partner play, for anyone who wants to last a bit longer before they come.
- For those who ejaculate within 3 minutes of a sexual interaction with penetration: MYHIXEL MED (£239), as above, but comes with a more focused cognitive behavioural training app, plus an initial consultation with a sexologist or urologist who will talk you through how to use it.
Image courtesy of MyHixel
1 Comment
Should have named it Cynthia. I am sure that it works. It is cheap at twice the price as a successful result will make a huge improvement in your relationship to the one you love.