Category Archives: Unsolicited advice

Guest blog: Facing harassment? Be gentle to yourself

This guest post on harassment is going live at the same time as my post on the same topic, because it’s a perfect partner to that blog. When I spoke at Eroticon, lots of people joined in during the Q+A to discuss their own experiences, and @DJFet74 gave some seriously great advice – from a practical as well as a psychological perspective. She’s kindly written it up so I can share it with you…


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The Sex Workers’ Opera is pretty extraordinary

“Do you want to go and see a show about sex work?”

“Ooh, yeah, that sounds interesting. Tell me more.”

“It’s a combination of storytelling and political activism.”


“Told via the medium of song.”



A dirty poem, because why not?

I’m still catching up on work, blog and life after Eroticon, so to tide you over with something fun I’ll give you a quick and dirty poem. I wrote this in part during Ashley Lister’s workshop, then tweaked it slightly on the train back.

It’s rough. But so am I.


EroticonLive 2016 – the last one?

Exhausted and happy – that’s pretty much how I’ve ended each Eroticon I’ve been to for the last three years. From the first, in 2014, when I mostly hid at the back of rooms and tried to pluck up the courage to talk to my favourite bloggers, to the second, where I trembled and rushed my way through a talk. To this one, in 2016, where I laughed with old friends, made amazing new ones, and felt like the luckiest person alive.

This round-up will probably only make sense to the people who were there. If you’re just here for the filth, look away now.

EroticonLive 2016


10 Things Men Do In Bed That Women Hate

This week an article did the rounds on Twitter titled ’10 Things Men Do In Bed That Women Hate.’ It was So. Fucking. Awful (and mostly copied word for word from this old, awful listicle from more than a year ago) that I thought I’d write an alternative.
