Category Archives: Guest Audio

Harness the passion: a strap on fantasy
This gorgeous strap on fantasy is written and read by Euphemise This, and originally appeared on her website.
She had waited excitedly for the postie to arrive and, now that the parcel was in her hands, thoughts of her upcoming hot date became incredibly vivid in her mind. She had selected next-day delivery so that there was time for testing before use, and couldn’t hide her smile as she signed for the package. Taking the tissue-wrapped treasures out of their box, she realised that the alone time necessary to test everything out definitely couldn’t wait until the evening.

“I won’t touch, promise”: sex in the club
This fabulous queer erotic fiction about sex in the club is written and read by Lou Kane and originally appeared on his website.
The smell always hits me first. The stale, piss-flavored beer soaked into the floorboards that mingles with the sweat pouring out of every orifice to create a humid halo above the masses.
It’s disgusting.
I love it.

The grind: Dominant facesitting
This gorgeous piece about dominant facesitting is written by Spencer Pritchard and read by Stephen Carling.
I’m usually the fuck-er, not the fuckee. Generally speaking, I set the pace of our fucking. Of the strokes of my dick with my hips, egged on by your whimpers and moans, emboldened by your body reacting to mine. I like to be ‘in charge’. To have a handful of your hair as you swallow the tip of my stiff cock, guiding your rhythm and occasionally holding you in place whilst I tell how how much of a good girl you’re being. To hold your wrists behind your back, your face buried in the tangled sheets as I slowly push myself past your glistening folds. To wrap the fingers of one hand around your slender neck as I furiously fuck you with the other, splashing us both with your gushing lust as the pressure builds behind your eyes.
It’s not often that I get to be fucked.

Use me, please use me
This incredible piece – ‘use me’ – is written and read by Robyn of Robyn Eats Everything and originally appeared on their website.
You seem stressed today, darling. A little frazzled around the edges, as though you’re tired of everything and everyone. What do you need? I know, how about you fuck my throat until it’s raw?

You only had to ask
This gorgeous piece about yearning for anal play is written and read by Lou Kane and originally appeared on their website.
The sun had only just crested the horizon, its first butter-yellow rays invading the small bedroom D and I shared. My fingers were already at work. It was a standing rule that I was allowed to touch myself without asking permission if D was asleep; lately, I’d been pushing that rule to its outermost limit.