Category Archives: Guest Audio

Don’t be late: a playful punishment spanking
This fabulously hot punishment spanking is written and read by EuphemiseThis, and originally appeared on her website.
The company’s annual conference was extremely useful but completely exhausting, so I was desperate for a nap and some alone time before the final night’s big social. Micha and I worked on different teams in different cites and so only saw each other at these events. We first properly chatted at the post-conference party five years ago and, after a few drinks, discovered that we had a lot in common despite our obvious differences.

Kept in the dark: BDSM cuckolding erotica
This gorgeous erotic fiction piece is written by Spencer Pritchard, and read aloud here by Matt Johnson. Note that this BDSM cuckolding erotica contains consensual power play, and uses the word ‘slave’ within a kink context.
I can feel the fabric pulled tight across my eyes. Anticipation making my fingers twitch as I fight the urge to lift the blindfold before you command me to, your last words still sat in my ears: “Do not remove that until I tell you too, or else you won’t get your treat.”

Cheeky kisses in public: an ode to anticipation
This real life story about cheeky kisses (and more) in public is written by the fabulous Victoria Blisse, and originally appeared on her website. It is read aloud here by Sherryl Blu.
We met online a year ago. Dating app. Swiped on a cutie with a wickedly sweet smile and a profile that drew my attention. To my joy, it was a mutual like and we soon moved to social media, chatting about allsorts but with this rippling lust running as a tightening cord between us.

Bound: bratty sub erotica
Note that this bratty sub erotica contains elements of consensual non-consent, and the use of ‘Daddy’ as an honorific. All characters in this fictional story are over the age of 18. It is written and read by JM Seaborn of WrittenInKink.
Sometimes, when I tie her up, she accepts it with serenity. Only her widening smile and hardening nipples betray the chaos inside her. Outwardly, she is the docile sub, preparing to be used.

Devoured: a night to remember (horror erotica)
Note that this horror erotica contains blood, violence and brief/abstract references to suicidal ideation. Written by the fabulous Scorpio Appetites, it originally appeared on his website and it’s brought to life as audio porn for Halloween by the wonderful Luke.
The cash machine was a monument to the departed amid a battleground of empty bottles and polystyrene boxes. Gemma groaned as she stood in a kebab, and managed to get her card in on the fifth or sixth try. She punched in her PIN through muscle memory alone. The lurid display informed her she had £3.47 left in her account. Not even enough for a burger, let alone a taxi.