Category Archives: Guest Audio

The sacrifice – sensual tentacle erotica

This sublime tentacle erotica is by Ollie Fox (The Queer Earthling), read here by Girl on the Net. Note that it contains a tentacle monster, bondage and gags. Note, too, that this story is told in second person, so it puts you in the picture, and while the ‘you’ in the story has no gender, they do have a vulva, and refer to their clit. 


Who knows him better? His friends help me fuck him

This gorgeous piece in which someone’s friends help fuck a guy is written by Quinn Rhodes of – check out his website at that link. Content note for some consensual non-consent and CBT – cock-and-ball torture, not cognitive behavioural therapy.


Prosecco and coconut oil – we made a real mess

This story is part 2 of ‘The Virgin and the Escort’ – written and read by Ariadne Awakes. “For my 40th birthday, I decided to treat myself to my favourite thing: you. I bought the whip and the spreader; you bought prosecco and coconut oil…”


I want more – hurt me and kiss me and hurt me

This glorious post is written and read by Joy As It Flies.

I want more. I want all of you, all of it. Everything you have to give, every inch of it. I want every pore, every wrinkle, every drop of sweat and tear and come. I want the hair and ink and breath of you.


Can you be patient? Can you be very good?

This delicious audio erotica is written and read by The Gentle Domme

The young men stood in front of her expectantly, shifting their weight between their legs. They’d been standing for a good hour before she arrived. No words. Hands at their sides. Naked except for underwear that was largely insignificant. The lighting was dim. They didn’t know it, but she’d been observing them the entire time from a panel in a side door, taking her time, watching them as they didn’t know they were being watched, taking in their small movements, their stamina, idiosyncrasies. The way one scratched idly at his ankle with a toe. The way one yawned and then quickly tried to hide it, stretching his neck.
