Category Archives: Guest Audio

The dinner guest: mmf threesome erotica
This amazing mmf threesome erotica is by author Tabitha Rayne, and originally appeared on her website. It is read here by the author herself. A longer version of this story appears in the anthology Chemical [se]X, if you’d like to buy a copy!
In the cab Luca sits between Jasper and I, they are chatting amiably enough but I feel the tension in his frame. He was expecting to bend me over on the fireside rug and fuck me from behind with my stockings still on. Well, he’ll just have to wait a bit, that’s all. It’s not like my drunken libido will fail me any time soon. Something about the male voices throwing jocular chat back and forth has me floating on a soft cloud of contented need. I close my eyes and sink into the leather upholstery imagining myself between them, wishing I was smaller and more breakable. Visualizing being pounded front and back by two rock hard men, all grunts and sinew as they take their lustful pleasures, only stopping to slap my arse for my disobedience when I cry out in sweet exquisite agony.

I imagine – an erotic fantasy about you
This gorgeous erotic fantasy about you is written and read by the fabulous Sherryl of
I don’t need to be near you
I don’t need to smell you
I don’t need to feel you
Just the mere thought of you is enough…
Enough to make my pussy quiver…

Golden delicious: silk underwear erotica
This delightful silk underwear erotica is written by Floss Liddell, and originally appeared on her website. It is read aloud here by Sherryl Blu.
He could choose his own underwear, so long as it was lingerie. Today he hesitated as his hands began to tug at his trousers…

My dearest fucktoy: a femdom love letter
This gorgeous femdom love letter was written by Floss Liddell, and originally appeared on her website. It is read here by Girl on the Net.
My Dearest Fucktoy: you are the most beautiful man I’ve ever had the privilege to love. But, that does not earn you the right to any secrets.

The scribe: Ink on skin erotica
This sublime erotic short story about desire and ink on skin, is by Tabitha Rayne. It first appeared on her website and is read here by the author herself.
I’ve just hitched up my skirt. I’m kneeling and the hem is at my buttocks, almost exposing them, but not quite. The familiar tingling anticipation sweeps over my flesh as I part my thighs, just a little, and lift one of the implements laid out before me. I always start with the smallest – the finest.
I hold my breath and close my eyes letting my head fall back, jaw slack, in the pose that signifies the beginning of my ritual.