Category Archives: Guest Audio

Someday I will – Oral erotica

This oral erotica, by author Tabitha Rayne, originally appeared on her website. 

‘Lick my cunt,’ I say.


Massage you – Sensual erotica

This sensual erotica is by sex blogger and podcaster Sherryl Blu.

The candle was lit…
The wick crackled and the wax melted gently
Dripping slowly down its side in long intentional streaks


A beautifully wicked memory – Bondage erotica

This bondage erotica, by author Tabitha Rayne, originally appeared on her website. It contains some elements of knife play

We were new lovers, young lovers, only-had-each other lovers and now as I lie looking out to the autumn skies, I’m back there, in his bed with my arms above my head, wrists tied to brass.


Perfect – Orgasm denial erotica

This orgasm denial erotica, by sex blogger Molly Moore, originally appeared on her site. It is read aloud here by Leo Di Luca

Please, please….

Her begging is so pretty but it takes time to really get her to that place where it is consuming her. At first her words are almost just that, words, tripping off her tongue in an all too casual manner. There is no guts to them, yet. That will only come when she is finally teetering on the brink of collapse.


G is for ghost ship – Ghostly pirate erotica

This supernatural pirate erotica, by sex blogger Ella Scandal, originally appeared on her website. It is read aloud here by Girl on the Net

I awaken to the sounds of creaking and dripping and the groaning of tired wood. It’s so dark tonight I can barely see past the end of my nose. Not that it matters. I know exactly where I am. I don’t need to see the ocean beneath me to feel the waves. Along with the sun and the breeze, they’re my only constant.
