Category Archives: Guest contributions
Guest blog: I had hot online sex, thanks to Lewis Hamilton
For libel reasons, I’m gonna front-load the intro here by pointing out that this week’s guest blogger, Sheebaby, did not have sex with actual Lewis Hamilton. But sometimes you bond with someone over a hobby or shared interest – in this case Formula One – and in Sheebaby’s case that bond led to some seriously hot online sex…
Content note: this post contains brief use of the term ‘daddy’ as an honorific.
Guest blog: What I learned as a horny dating scholar
I’m delighted to welcome this week’s guest blogger, who is here to talk about their wide range of dating experiences. What’s different about dating when you’re perceived as a cis woman vs a gay man? And although no experience is universal, are there any dating experiences that come close to that? Please welcome Mel McGovern, a non-binary dating enthusiast who you can find on Patreon, on Twitter @futurephoria, and on Instagram @futurephoria.
CN: brief mentions of rape
Guest blog: We tried jump-humping and it was surprisingly hot
After my extremely quim-laced blog the other week about the (supposedly) Mormon practice of soaking, the fabulous blogger Girl in Old School Trouble got in touch with me to offer say she fancied having a go at soaking and an extension of it – ‘jump-humping’, in which one person jumps on the bed that the other two are lying motionless on to give them a bit of friction to enjoy – and write about her experience. I have been so so excited about this guest blog ever since, and it’s massively exceeded even my own horny expectations. Thanks to a couple she has extremely hot sex with, Girl in Old School Trouble found herself in a position to suggest a round of soaking/jump-humping the last time they were together. The results are hotter than even I – a massive pervert – could have hoped for. Thank you to all three of them for indulging in this sexy experiment, and especially to Girl in Old School Trouble for writing about it so spectacularly.
Guest blog: What does a prostate orgasm feel like?
Have you ever tried to describe what your orgasms feel like? Back in the ancient days of this blog, I ran a competition to solicit descriptions of orgasms, and it was fascinating and joyful to see how people described each one. This week’s guest blogger is describing a type of orgasm I can’t ever experience, and so inevitably I was thirsty for detail and absolutely delighted when his post hit my inbox. Please welcome today’s fabulous guest, who’s here to tell you what a prostate orgasm feels like…
Guest blog: My first pegging session
As regular readers will know, I am a complete sucker for stories of first times. The thrill of doing something you’ve never done before is a beautiful thing to capture and share. The fabulous @EuphemiseThis has written before about getting invited to her first threesome, as well as the first forbidden fuck she had with a friend. Go check out all her fabulous guest posts here, but not before you read today’s incredibly hot story – about her first pegging session.