Category Archives: Guest contributions

Guest blog: The most powerful orgasm I’ve ever had
I wish I could remember my most powerful orgasm. Although I don’t believe in an afterlife, I like to think that if there was one, you’d get some ‘life stats’ before you passed over to the other side. Someone would tell you what your happiest day was, and you’d get to relive it. You’d get a tally of how many people, over the course of your existence, had nursed a giant crush on you. And you could see footage of your most powerful orgasm.
Although I can’t remember my own most powerful orgasm, today’s guest blogger can remember his. He is here to tell you all about it – as well as the hot fuck that produced it – in deliciously pervy detail. Enjoy!
Sexy link roundup: sexual rights, anticipation and acrostic poetry
This week I asked people to do more sharing. In the light of more platforms cracking down on adult content, those of us who create erotica, porn, sex ed, sexual campaigning, sex toy reviews, sex work, and everything along those lines rely on your shares more than ever. Whether linking from your own blog or just spreading the love on your social channels if you can. I used to do ‘two things’ – rounding up a sexy link or two each week – but I got busy and it dropped off my radar. But ErosBlog has made a suggestion that I’m going to try my best to stick to: Share Our Shit Saturday. Three links posted each week to cool things you should check out (and share if you can!).

Guest blog: the sexiness of smell
This week’s guest blogger – Jamie Bowden-Smith – is a historian of the late 20th century and runs the Gay News Archive Project, republishing the pioneering LGBT+ newspaper of the 1970s. He tweets at @thisisrjg and if I am 100% honest with you, he is one of the people I have met through Twitter that I would most like to go for a pint with. He has both a passion and a knack for articulating the delicious details about what makes something hot, and in this blog he applies his knack to something very close to my own heart: the sexiness of smell.

Guest blog: Ethical porn – is it real?
This week’s guest blogger is Charlie Ten – @CharlieTenModel – a porn performer (or ‘mattress actress’ as she puts it on her Twitter profile, which made me giggle) who is here to talk about ethical porn. One of the things that most frustrates me about the porn ‘debate’ (by which I mean broadly the arguments between those who think that All Porn Is Bad And Evil and those who don’t) is that those who are anti-porn are rarely interested in engaging with the specific problems in the industry – their blanket dislike of porn means they can just say ‘all porn is bad’ and have done with it. Performers like Charlie, on the other hand, are well-placed to talk about the ways in which the industry may be letting people down, and how ethical porn producers are working to change that. Take it away Charlie…

Guest blog: My first three hours on Tinder
I love a good dating story – the more unusual the better. As a now-mostly-monogamous person, I like to live vicariously through singletons, remembering the heady days of internet dating and the weird and wonderful things that can happen when you match with someone on Tinder or OKCupid. This week’s guest blogger – Fran MacLaine – is here to tell you about her first three hours on Tinder. And it’s a rollercoaster, so strap in tight…
Names and identifying details have been changed.