Category Archives: Guest contributions

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Guest blog: Intervening in harassment

I don’t know how to deal with harassment on public transport. I’ve been harassed on buses and tubes, I’ve read lots of advice on what should and shouldn’t be done. And I want, desperately, to be the kind of person who can step up and intervene if I see it happening. But I get it wrong. I’ve sometimes successfully helped out, other times I will try to say something and – heart hammering and adrenaline pumping – I will say the wrong thing, say it too quietly, or phrase it badly, and make a terrible situation worse.

This week’s guest blog is about that – intervening in harassment. It’s not about being a hero or getting everything right, and I think that’s why it touched me so much. It’s about not knowing what to do, but knowing that you have to do something.


Guest blog: A quiet afternoon of tease and denial

Teasing and orgasm denial is such a deeply horny thing, and this week’s guest blog is a beautiful demonstration of why. It also has a few absolutely killer lines – you know the kind I mean, where someone says something that presses just the right sexy button and gives you that hot feeling in the pit of your stomach? Yeah, it has some of those. Be aware that it also contains pain, breath play and a little blood. When I read it the first time it made me deeply horny, and if you’re anything like me you’ll love it too – please welcome the incredible spikesandfluff, who has a tease and denial story that will make your Monday a hell of a lot hotter…


Guest blog: She writes a new poem about rebirth, every day

I love poetry, and especially sexy poetry, so I was over the moon when Lexy – who runs the Lexy Experiment Tumblr (NSFW) – got in touch with me to offer this fantastic piece. It’s sexy and wistful and gorgeous, and I hope you love it as much as I do. If you’re a poet too, please do feel free to pitch me a guest poem!


Guest blog: two different kinds of sex menu

I’ve heard a lot of people talking about sex menus recently, so I was thrilled when Sheila got in touch with an idea for a guest blog inspired by the idea of creating ‘sex menus’ around your sexual needs and desires. I’ll keep this intro short and sweet and hand over to Sheila U – to tell you what a sex menu is, and how it inspired her latest photography project…


Guest blog: A sex story I just had to tell…

You know how sometimes you have a fuck so amazing that you simply have to tell someone? Well, this week’s sex story comes from an anonymous reader, who needed to do just that. I’m going to keep my intro short and sweet, and just hand over to her to tell you about a fuck so hot I sort of want this guy’s number…
