Category Archives: Guest contributions

Guest blog: Withdrawal symptoms – how to withdraw consent
If you’ve been following the criticism of the oppressive changes to UK porn regulations, you’ll probably have seen one or two (or thousands of) people spitting outrage over the definitions of ‘moderate’ pain and consent. While consent in porn is absolutely vital, the censors have made a pretty huge mistake in how they categorise it – believing that consent is something which should be determined by an objective third party, rather than the people who are playing.
It’s for this reason that they’ve said porn with a bound and gagged subject will be censored – apparently there’s no clear means of withdrawing consent.
Please welcome Jenny, who is here to demonstrate just how utterly ridiculous that assumption is.

Guest blog: Hit me, but only when I tell you to
This week’s guest blog comes from the brilliant Broken Sub. Her blog is searingly honest, and combines some straightforward, fun sex blogging with some fascinating reflective posts on BDSM and her submission.I don’t want to say too much by way of introduction, because I don’t want to detract from her own words, but I should warn you that the blog includes discussion of abuse. It’s also incredibly personal, and very thoughtful. If you want to find out more, please do check out her blog.

Guest blog: Disabled people have kinky sex – who’d have thought it?
This week’s guest blog is one I’ve been waiting to post for a while, so I hope it gives you something to think about. Writing a pretty personal sex blog means I end up focusing heavily on my own experience. If I’m challenging any assumptions, they’ll (usually) be ones that affect my life: the myth that men want sex and women want money, the idea that feminism is shit for men, the body myths about what exactly counts as ‘attractive’, etc. But we’re loaded down with a million more assumptions when it comes to sex, and I lack the personal experience to blog about them with anything other than an angry detachment. These things piss me off, but someone who has been directly affected by this bullshit is far better placed to explain why than I am.
So please welcome Richard. He’s an author, sick of the assumptions that people make about disabled people, who has written a novel that explores capabilities and societal limits, starring a disabled serial killer as the anti-hero. You can read extracts from the novel over on his Goodreads blog, or buy it from Amazon, and in the meantime check out his guest blog, and please don’t be surprised that disabled people have kinky sex too…
Sex blog guest posts: a selection of hotness
Some of the best things I’ve published on this sex blog have kindly been contributed by other people. I usually post a guest blog every Friday, but because I’m away at the moment I’m posting a random selection of excellence from the guest blog archives. Some of these are sexy, some thoughtful, some a bit of both.
If you’d like to write one of your own, check out the guest blog guidelines. Normal service will resume next week with a new guest blog, but in the meantime please do check out the blogs below, and come and vote on which of these pictures looks most like an orgasm. Gotn xxx

What does an orgasm look like? All the orgasm pictures
You’re all AMAZING. I asked people – “what does an orgasm look like?”
The answers were a gorgeous collection of fun, beautiful, and awesomely evocative.
All the entries are below, for your delight and admiration, and because it’s a competition there’s a prize up for grabs: a £100 voucher to spend at, a copy of Bish’s excellent sex ed book, and a print of the original orgasm picture which inspired this competition. First we need to narrow down the entries, so if you’d like to vote for your favourites please click this link to rate the orgasm pictures. Voting will close on the 21st November and the top five pics, as rated by you, will go through to the final, and the judges will pick an overall winner to be announced on November 24th.
Here are all the entries, in roughly reverse order of submission, and if you have five minutes please do rate them using this special widget. Bear in mind that some of these images are NSFW.