Category Archives: Ranty ones

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Two things: sex numbers and casual fucking

This week: bullshit PR puff pieces in not-even-a-very-good-disguise, and some amazing tips on keeping your casual sex casual.

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Something better than a ‘Fuck off fund’

Every woman should have a ‘Fuck off’ fund!” the article says. Save a sum of money that you can live on for a few months, in case you’re ever in financial hardship, and your lack of funds means you end up stuck in a shit situation.

I’m sure many of us have been there – you accept things you’d otherwise reject because you don’t have the cash to tell people to fuck off. A job with a skeezy boss. A partner who hurts you. Things which, by all rights, you should never have to put up with. But you look at your bank balance and go ‘huh, I do not have the resources to get by if I leave my job right now.’ Or you want to leave your partner because they’ve done something unforgivable, but you know you can’t make the rent on your own.

Sometimes you put up with staying because you don’t have the money to leave.

Financial independence is an incredibly valuable thing. I learned this lesson fairly early in life. Financial independence, as well as being a ticket into somewhere good, is also a handy ticket out of a bad situation.



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Two things: the #WhatWomenWantIn5Words hashtag

Sometimes Twitter’s hashtag games are total genius, and sometimes they fuck me off. Today’s was a combination of the two, so here are two things from the game – one annoying and one delightful.


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Two things: Leo DiCaprio and the best sex blogs

Monday. The day when staying in bed seems like the most tempting thing. If you need some temptation to get out of it, here are two things. One good: for inspiration, and one bad: to give you a fiery kick of rage that should see you through til lunchtime. Ready?


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Two things: Good sex writing and really bad lube

Welcome to what I hope will be a New Project for 2016: two things.

I am powered by a combination of inspiration and rage. Inspiration, where I try to be more like people who are better than me, and rage, where I get fired up about things and people and companies that are appallingly shit.

So… on Monday mornings I’m going to try and highlight one thing that’s awesome and one that’s awful, thus kickstarting the week with a combination of inspiration and rage.

Let’s start with the rage:
