Category Archives: Sex blog advice

Hold my jacket
“You’re such a fucking weirdo,” he tells me, in that deeply affectionate tone which is the only one you can legitimately use when you’re calling someone a fucking weirdo. “You spend all your time either nostalgic for the past, or panicking about the future.”

GOTN’s Eroticon 2018 Meet and Greet
It’s just over a month until Eroticon 2018, the conference for sex bloggers, erotica writers and other erotic creative types held in Camden on 17th/18th March. Just typing that sentence makes me simultaneously excited and nervous, because Eroticon was so good to me when I was a baby blogger that I desperately want it to be as good for others as it was for me. Molly, Michael and I have been working hard at the planning, and all our amazing speakers are getting ready to give their talks/workshops. All that’s left now is to introduce ourselves, and get ready for March 2018…

Reasons I have not replied to your message
We live in anxious times, soundtracked by the constant, incessant ping of phones and laptops. Notifications are everywhere, bleeping and flashing and demanding a response. So how do we deal with it? Some people probably just switch their phones off or put them in a different room. People like me, though, write blog posts trying to explain ourselves to others in a desperate attempt to either make them forgive me or make them leave me alone. So with good and bad, selfish and silly and paranoid and everything in between, here are a few reasons I have not replied to your message.

Erofame 2017: I fucked a penguin
Behold, internet gang: I bring you sex toy news from across the sea. Recently I travelled to Hannover for the sex industry trade show Erofame. If you’ve never heard of Erofame before, I can sum it up by telling you that it is basically a giant warehouse full of sex toys, and a bunch of friendly people who are very keen to sell them. Most of the people there were either buyers or sellers, so I felt a little like the weird girl who’d turned up armed with nothing but a camera phone and a penchant for bumming. But I guess that’s appropriate, because it’s exactly what I am. Read on to see some of the most interesting things I spotted at Erofame, including gooey bath liquid that you can roll around and fuck in, a slow-motion video of the most terrifying sex toy on Earth, and a penguin that sucked off my clit. Ready? Let’s go.
(more…)Sex blogger SOS: Share Our Shit
Another day, another avenue of income that slams its doors on adult content providers. Recently Patreon announced a ‘clarification’ of its terms and conditions which means that sexy content providers are – to put it bluntly – fucked. It would make sense if I wrote a blog post now explaining the ways in which you can support your friendly neighbourhood sex blogger financially, but I’m not going to do that. I’m going to ask you to do something that won’t cost you a single penny. I’m going to ask you to Share Our Shit.