Category Archives: Sex blog advice

Remove ads – support me on Patreon
God, what a boring blog post this will be. Hold my hand and we’ll get through it, and I’ll aim to keep it as short and sweet as possible. Want to remove ads from my site? Here’s how…

No one ever wants to be the baddie
I’ve had a lot of internet fights in my time. I cut my teeth on an incredibly racist and misogynist forum back in the days before Twitter, then I joined Twitter, then I started to blog. Fight after fight after fight – I’ve kicked off at so many people! People who were causing harm, and others who were trying to tell me that I was causing harm. Sometimes I’ve argued well, sometimes badly. Sometimes I am right, often wrong. Some things I’ve said have been justified, others terrible. You get the idea. At no point during any of these fights did I ever intend to cause harm. But that doesn’t mean no harm was ever caused.

Eroticon 2020: I love my job – GOTN’s meet and greet
You know Christmas is coming when you hear the first few chords of Mariah Carey’s ‘All I Want For Christmas’ through tinny speakers in a shopping mall, and in the same vein I know Eroticon is on the horizon when meet & greet posts start popping up on the sex blogs that I follow. I’ll be at Eroticon 2020 in Camden on 14/15th March this year, eagerly hoovering up all the knowledge and advice I can from other attendees/speakers, and doing a talk on Sunday about how to turn sex blogging into your day job. And as is traditional, here’s an intro meet & greet post answering the questions Molly posed to kick things off…

Consensual non-consent: the ethics of writing CNC
The fantasies which happen in my head are consensual. The fantasies which happen in my head are often non-consensual. It sounds like a logical fallacy: how can something be both consensual and non-consensual at the same time? The answer is that, of course, the ‘non-consent’ in my fantasies is only an illusion: the participants in my head are not real, the only real person here – the only one who needs to consent – is me. But when those fantasies leak out of my head onto the page or screen, readers – real live people – become a part of what’s happening, and their consent matters as well. Let’s talk about the ethics of writing consensual non-consent fantasies.

Erotic audio: new sexy stories and new voices!
Ever since I started the audio porn project, I’ve been itching to get some more sexy stories up on the site. There are so many fantastic erotic writers in the world, with incredible tales to tell – both fiction and non-fiction – that it is starting to seem odd that the audio porn section of my site features mostly my own work. Let’s fix that. Starting this week, you’ll see lots of new erotic audio being uploaded to that section, from writers whose work I really admire and think translates beautifully into audio erotica.