Do you want to try out one of my site sponsor Hot Octopuss’ powerful, brilliant sex toys? Do you fancy getting paid to write about your experience with it? Read on! Hot Octopuss is delivering some sex toy joy this lockdown, and I’m going to pay you to share your stories about the fun you’ve had with their awesome bullet vibes and dick vibes…
Lockdown sex toy joy: what’s on offer
- One Amo bullet vibrator (one of my personal faves)
- One PULSE SOLO ESSENTIAL penis vibrator (it literally wanks you off hands-free, from flaccid)
- One JETT (likewise: hands-free wanking for dicks, using really kickass ‘Treble and Bass’ technology)
Hot Octopuss will send one of each of these toys out to a different person, then all you have to do is have fun with it and write 800-ish words about your experience. I’ll then pay you a guest blog fee of £20.
What you need to do
Send me a brief email [hellogirlonthenet at gmail dot com] with the subject line ‘Toy joy pitch’ and tell me:
- which toy you’d like to try out
- what your angle in the piece would be (think ‘I’ve never used a penis vibrator before’ or ‘I want to try edging my partner with a bullet vibe’ or ‘I want to have phone sex while wearing the JETT.’
- the name you’d like to be published under and any links (if you’d like them included) to your own blog/site/socials
As ever, I am not looking for sex toy reviews. I don’t need you to give these toys marks out of ten, or tell people how to use them or what they do: I want you to tell me the sexy scenes you’d like to play/positions you’d like to use them in/scenarios in which you reckon you’ll have the most fun.
Please send your pitch emails before Feb 12th. I will get back to you by Feb 16th.
If you’re successful
If your pitch is chosen, I’ll ask you for your name and address so that Hot Octopuss can send you out your toy, then ask for you to send me your write-up within one month of you receiving it.
Please only apply if you intend to write about the toy, and if you’re happy for your post to be published here on the site!