Search Results for: lust

Guest blog: Sex in stories, stories in sex

For a long time I’ve had a discomfort with the way that sex is often carved out and set aside from the rest of any given story. Whether it’s people complaining about how ‘unnecessary’ sex scenes are in movies, or books which get dismissed as trashy just because the characters have the temerity to fuck, I find the way sex is treated in media both frustrating and fascinating. I’d never really been able to articulate the root of this discomfort, but when LJ Amber got in touch with this week’s guest blog, I suddenly got it. They argue the case for sex in stories with such power and clarity – I am so grateful to them for sharing their perspective, and I agree so wholeheartedly with their point. LJ Amber’s debut novel – Song of the Wild Knight – is coming out next week (29th Feb), so please do check that out and share this post if you agree. Here’s to sex in stories, and the beautiful stories we tell through sex.


Does this come in my size? A tryst in the changing rooms…

This gorgeous erotic fiction about a tryst in the changing rooms is written and read by Euphemise This, and originally appeared on her website.

Michaela fucking hated clothes shopping, with a passionate hatred usually only reserved for Tories, but she resigned herself to the fact that she couldn’t put it off any longer. The event was in two days and it could potentially provide her with a massive career boost as long as she made a good impression with the right people. She was initially reluctant to admit it, but the entire contents of her wardrobe were completely unsuitable for this task.


Pleasing you: “Good job, kitten”

This gorgeous erotic story featuring intimate D/s and a fabulously hot facefuck is written and read by Lou Kane and originally appeared on his website. Note that this story contains ‘Daddy’ as an honorific.

I loved sitting at Daddy’s feet. I felt so safe and warm wrapped around B’s calf, cheek pressed against their thigh as they absently played with the short strands of my hair. I chose this position whenever I got the opportunity—which was why I was currently trapped between B’s legs and the couch and clad in nothing but my underwear while the credits rolled on the movie we’d just finished.


Guest blog: I fall to my knees

Delighted to welcome back this week’s guest blogger, whose first piece (a deeply intimate story about fisting and finally-requited-lust) was extremely popular here on the blog. Today’s gorgeous erotica focuses on an exquisitely intense moment – a snatched facefuck in the kitchen, on which anyone could walk in. I absolutely adore her style, and the intensity of this story spoke to so many of my kinks for being passionately grabbed and intensely used. Mmmm. Probably don’t read it on the bus, yeah?


Ten years of soul-wringing orgasms with Hot Octopuss PULSE

Hey! I realised recently that I have something in common with my site sponsors Hot Octopuss (and it’s not just that we really love sex toys). Turns out it’s been ten years since they launched the kickass vibrating dick toy PULSE, and coincidentally it’s also been about ten years since I quit my day job and started blogging full-time. I wish I could say I’ve had the same success they have, selling millions of toys and creating oceans of spaff, but to be honest I haven’t sold that many toys. I reckon spaff-wise I could fill a modest pond or two, though. Maybe the Serpentine, at a push. To celebrate their ten years, they launched a really beautiful limited-edition version of their most popular sex toy – Hot Octopuss PULSE Dragon Eye – and I thought I’d take the opportunity to shout about some of the hottest adventures I’ve had with mine…
