Search Results for: lust

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Guest illustrations (NSFW)

These illustrations are by fabulous guest artists – click each image to find links to more of their work.

I commission guest art occasionally when Stuart (who does the regular SFW and NSFW illustrations) is away on holiday or busy with his other brilliant work. If you’d like to be considered as a guest illustrator, contact me with your rates and links to your work.

I am hugely grateful to the amazing guest illustrators whose work graces these pages. One of the things I am really keen to do on the blog is show a variety of sexy scenarios, along with a variety of different body types. One of the disappointing things about the landscape of our sexual media is how many photos/illustrations show a limited definition of what counts as ‘sexy’. This ends up feeding in to a narrow view of who can be ‘sexy’, reinforcing gender norms, unrealistic body ideals, and all manner of other stuff. You can read a bit more about this in a blog post I wrote about what ‘sexy’ is, according to Google.

I’m really keen to show a whole range of sexiness on these pages. If you think you can help broaden the scope, especially with images that show fat people, gender non-conforming people, men as the objects of sexual desire, people of all races, and any other images which show the breadth and scope of human bodies and sexiness. If you are keen to do some guest illustration for this site, please do get in touch using the contact details above with a link to your portfolio and your rates.

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SFW illustrations

A collection of gorgeous SFW illustrations that have been used throughout this sex blog.

All images on this page were created by the incredibly talented Stuart F Taylor. Visit his website for info on commissions and licensing – you may not reproduce any of these images without express written consent.

Power, lust and agency: Is Fleabag’s priest abusive?

If you’ve been following developments, a couple of weeks ago I wrote about Fleabag’s priest and the art of longing. I wallowed a little in the horny joy of seeing two people who really want each other try desperately not to want each other. Today I’m screeching into a whole new lane, thanks to some discussion that’s come up on my Twitter feed: let’s talk about whether the priest is abusive.

The following post contains spoilers for Fleabag, so if you want to watch it check it out on BBC iPlayer before you read on. 


Sexy link roundup: loss, lust and a straight-curious romcom

Good fortune, love, happiness and success to each and every sex blogger who remembers to write regular posts giving shoutouts to their sex blogging colleagues. You are heroes, all, and I am sorry I haven’t been as good as I’d like to be lately at joining in. But here I am to share some awesome things I have found over the last few weeks – please do check them out and follow the people involved if you like what they’re creating! Today I want to tell you about a straight-curious romcom,


10 of my favourite sexy illustrations

For over a year now, Stuart F Taylor (aka @chainbear on twitter) has been drawing illustrations to go with my blog posts. They’re stunning things, each one custom drawn to go with a particular post. Whether it’s a specific sex act (like spanking) or an abstract concept (like edging yourself to orgasm), each and every one of them is a work of sexy art.

Stuart’s going to be taking a very well-earned break for a month or so, so I thought it might be a nice opportunity to give you a run-down of some of my favourite sexy illustrations that he’s drawn over the last year or so. Problem with picking favourites though, is that I love every single one of them so it’s pretty much impossible to choose – head to the image galleries (SFW one + NSFW one) and check out the others.
