Search Results for: jenetaltorture

Guest blog: First pony play – feeling a little horse?
Listen: someone needs to license Jenby’s work for a graphic novel about kinky adventures. There is already plenty of material, and it is funny and sexy and brilliant. If you have loads of money, go give it to @JenetalTorture to turn this into a book please. If you haven’t got loads of money, then you are welcome to simply enjoy today’s excellent guest post. After sharing a glorious account of her first e-stim session last week, Jenby is trotting back for a second week running to give you the lowdown on pony play.

Guest blog: My first e-stim session
I’m really chuffed to welcome @JenetalTorture back to this blog, whose past hits include a delightful, funny and sexy post on impact play, as well as this excellent blog on vac play that definitely doesn’t suck. Continuing the theme of introducing you to fun, sexy kinks, today Jenby is talking about the delights of e-stim, specifically overcoming fears and getting stuck in to her first e-stim session ever – enjoy!

Guest blog: Vacuum play (Warning, this blog may suck)
This week’s guest blogger almost doesn’t need an introduction, because if you’ve been here for a while you’ll have already read about @JenetalTorture‘s funny, hot, kinky adventures in erotic hypnosis and impact play. If you haven’t already checked out Jenby’s blog then please go and do so immediately, then pop back here to enjoy this next incredible post – all about vacuum play!

Guest blog: Change my mind – an erotic hypnosis story
I am super-excited to welcome Jenby (@JenetalTorture) back – author of September’s incredible guest blog about impact play, and getting spanked with one’s own book. Today’s topic? Erotic hypnosis: the act of putting someone under and controlling their mind for kinky play purposes. I have to admit my ignorance on this topic – although I’ve read about erotic hypnosis before, my knowledge on hypnosis in general is limited to one hilarious live show where I got to watch my sister doing weird shit while ‘under’, and one absurdly expensive and entirely unsuccessful session where I paid someone to hypnotise me in the hope it would make me quit smoking. Spoiler: it did not. So I’m delighted to have Jenby back to give a peek into what it’s like to get hypnotised for the first time…

Guest blog: Impact play, the one to beat
Please welcome this week’s guest blogger, the awesome Jenby aka @JenetalTorture, who is here to talk to you about impact play. Sexy, funny, compelling and brilliant, I couldn’t stop myself grinning from ear to ear as I read this post. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did…