Tag Archives: age

Guest blog: Why I wrote an erotic story about hysterectomy
This week’s amazing guest blog is by Stella Fosse – erotica writer, author of Aphrodite’s Pen: The Power of Writing Erotica after Midlife, and a late bloomer whose erotic life blossomed in her late 50s. She’s here to challenge some of the tedious judgments made about older women and sex, and when I first read her guest blog – about what caused her to write an erotic story about hysterectomy – it made me want to dance and shout stuff from the rooftops. Read her blog below, and follow her on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Sexy link roundup: loss, lust and a straight-curious romcom
Good fortune, love, happiness and success to each and every sex blogger who remembers to write regular posts giving shoutouts to their sex blogging colleagues. You are heroes, all, and I am sorry I haven’t been as good as I’d like to be lately at joining in. But here I am to share some awesome things I have found over the last few weeks – please do check them out and follow the people involved if you like what they’re creating! Today I want to tell you about a straight-curious romcom,

Guest blog: Sex after sixty
This week’s guest blogger is – I think – possibly the most regular guest contributor on the site to date! He’s written a couple of amazing posts in the past on why he became a nudist, his pregnancy journey with his ex wife, and the language we use to discuss sex. Please welcome back @pervy_thoughts, who is here to talk about sex after sixty…

When I am old (a sexy poem)
As ever when I roll out some dirty poetry, I’m going to ask you to be gentle because I don’t really know what the fuck I’m doing. But I wrote a sexy poem, about sex and aging. Two things that are not incompatible. I suck at poetry titles, so feel free to suggest one in the comments. And I suck at poetry too, it’s just that sometimes I like the rhythm of it to make a point or turn a dirty phrase.

Sex and aging: if we’re lucky we’ll all grow old
There are few things that all humans have in common, but one of them is this: if we’re lucky, we’ll all grow older. And while everyone changes as they get older – physically and emotionally – the things we enjoy hopefully never lose their shine. You’ll still be just as overjoyed at winning a pub quiz in your seventies. Or going on holiday to somewhere beautiful and drinking sangria on the beach. And – because this is a post about sex and aging – I’d hope you’d still enjoy an excellent fuck.